Chapter 47: (Home Again)

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(Home Again)

*Author's Note: This chapter marks the end of the third story arc and thank you to everyone who's read this wonderful story*

*November 2nd, 1905*

*Ev Kingdom*

A few days had passed since King Evardo's coronation as everyone was bidding their friends farewell.

"It's been honestly fun having you and everyone else stay here for a couple of days, I will give my eternal gratitude for saving me and my family" Evardo had spoken out to Ozma in a gentle voice as he had shaken hands with her which made her smile.

"Of course, we wouldn't allow the Nome King to just have you people captured without a fight but if you ever need any royal assistance than don't be afraid to let me know, okay?" Ozma had spoken back to Evardo as this made the young boy smile as he nodded his head.

"I will! Thanks for everything" Evardo had spoken out to Ozma for the final time as he saw Dorothy approaching him and hugging him warmly.

"Goodbye Evardo, Goodbye everyone, I'll miss you guys dearly and when the time comes, I'll come back to Ev and visit everyone" Dorothy had spoken out to Evardo as she let out a warm smile while Evanna was watching with a rather emotional look on her face which was caught by Dorothy.

"Hey, Evanna, It's okay...I'll come back and visit one of these days but my Uncle Henry, Aunt Em, and even my dog Toto are worried sick about me.." Dorothy had spoken to Evanna in a gentle voice as she walked towards her and gave her a hug which was returned by Evanna.

"Y...You better! I'll be waiting for you!" Evanna had spoken out to Dorothy with a smile on her face as she had shaken hands with Dorothy for the final time.

"Don't worry, I will!" Dorothy had spoken back to Evanna for the final time as she turned her direction to the rest of the Ev family and said her goodbyes to each of them while hugging them as Evadne watched with a smile on her face.

"Dorothy, Thank you once more...I truly appreciate you for saving my children" Evadne had spoken out to the young girl as she and Dorothy hugged each other warmly while everyone watched with smiles on their faces.

"Goodbye, Evadne, I will forever remember everyone here and the good times we've spent together..." Dorothy had spoken out to Evadne for the final time as she quickly ran back to her friends as it was finally time to go; however, there was still one final issue.

"Wait, what about Tik-Tok? Is he gonna stay here in Ev or does he intend to head back to the Emerald City..." Lion had spoken out in curiosity as this had caught everyone's attention.

"You're right...Maybe we should ask Tik-Tok if he wants to stay here or head back to the Emerald City with us.." Scarecrow had chimed into the conversation while Dorothy nodded her head in agreement.

"True but I think the final decision should come from King Evardo, after all, Tik-Tok is a part of his land therefore he's under his jurisdiction..." Dorothy had responded to Scarecrow while looking over at Evardo with a smile on her face as this caused the young boy to think for a few seconds before deciding on his answer.

"As King of Ev, I hereby shall allow Tik-Tok to roam freely as he wishes so in other words, he's able to stay in the Emerald City" Evardo had finally spoken out in a joyful tone of voice as this made everyone cheer for their friend.

"I knew you were gonna say yes and if you said no then I would have convinced you otherwise.." Dorothy had spoken out to Evardo with a cheeky smile on her face and this made the boy chuckle.

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