Chapter 2: (The Torando)

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(The Tornado)

*June 5th, 1900* 


The next day had arrived as Dorothy and her new dog Toto were playing outside while Uncle Henry tended to his usual farm work while Aunt Em was inside due to the unusual coldness and also that she was preparing lunch as well which didn't bother Dorothy and Uncle Henry.

"It is quite cold today. I hope Uncle Henry is able to finish with his work today..." Dorothy had spoken to Toto and while she knew Toto couldn't respond back, she knew she had at least something to talk to if her Aunt or Uncle were busy as suddenly, the door opened.

"Dorothy, Henry! It's Lunchtime!" Aunt Em had cried out inside the house as this prompted Dorothy to gently pick up Toto as she went inside of her home followed by Uncle Henry doing the same thing as he paused on his farm work in the process.

"It's not much but at least it holds us until dinner..." Aunt Em had spoken out to her husband and Dorothy while she placed two bowls of porridge on each side of the table before eventually placing her porridge on the table as well.

"Dorothy, be sure to save some for yourself while feeding Toto, okay? We don't want you starving now" Uncle Henry had advised Dorothy as the young girl nodded her head in understandment as this was seen by Aunt Em.

"Let's all say our prayers now, shall we?" Aunt Em had spoken out as she, Dorothy, and Uncle Henry began saying their prayers and when they were done, they had begun eating their meal.

Toto had walked around the table as he had noticed Dorothy gently offering him the food which prompted him to eat the food from her hand.

"I'm glad Toto is eating, isn't that great?! I was scared that he was gonna be shy" Dorothy had spoken back to her Uncle Henry and Aunt Em with such joy as she eventually ate some of the porridge as well which made Uncle Henry smile as the family continued to eat for the next twenty minutes


Dorothy had finished cleaning up the kitchen which was one of the chores she promised or rather offered in exchange for Toto staying with them as she walked outside to see Uncle Henry and Aunt Em preparing to head to the market once more.

"Dorothy, are you sure that you can handle being alone? You seem to be done with your chores so you don't have to stay behind" Aunt Em had asked Dorothy in a rather tone of concern while the young girl shook her head indicating that there was nothing to worry about.

"I'm fine! You two just get along before the market gets busy, okay? I even have Toto to protect me" Dorothy had spoken out as she let out a smile.

"Okay, If something happens then lock yourself in the cellar, okay? " Aunt Em had advised Dorothy once more before entering the truck along with Uncle Henry.

"Goodbye!! Be sure to listen to what we said regarding safety!!" Uncle Henry had cried out before starting the truck as it eventually drove away while Dorothy waved goodbye.

"Goodbye!! Stay safe out there!" Dorothy cried out as she suddenly heard the sounds of Toto barking which concerned her.

"It's okay, they're be back soon, they just have to take care of some things" Dorothy had advised to Toto in a comforting tone of voice while she gently hugged him as unknowns to her, Toto's barking and cries wasn't due to Uncle Henry and Aunt Em leaving but rather due to a weather change.


Nearly thirty minutes had passed as Dorothy was sitting outside, staring at the beautiful endless prairie alongside Toto.

"Uncle Henry always told me that in the far future that all of this land will eventually become home to many people but I just can't see Uncle Henry lose something his family worked hard for. His farming is what keeps us from going homeless..." Dorothy had thought to herself while looking over to see dark clouds followed a haunting windy sound which spooked her while Toto was barking and whimpering due to fear as suddenly, the wind instantly picked up rather violently as Dorothy screamed in terror as this sent her on the ground.

"The shelter! I gotta get Toto and myself to the shelter but what about Uncle Henry and Aunt Em?!" Dorothy had thought to herself in such fear as she picked up Toto and quickly ran towards her house while looking back to see a tornado quickly heading their way despite being far.

"Oh gosh, It's a tornado!!" Dorothy cried out in fear as she quickly entered her home and ran towards the shelter however just as when she was about to open it, a loud sound erupted before Dorothy and Toto felt the house slowly being lifted to the area which made the young girl scream once more.

"O-oh no!! We're being lifted up!!" Dorothy cried out in fear while still holding on to Toto in the process.

Dorothy had looked out of the window to find the house high in the sky as many emotions raced through her head such regarding her safety and the reactions of her guardians when they found out that not just Dorothy was gone but their ENTIRE house as well.

Toto continued to whimper in fear as Dorothy could only do nothing but comfort him as the young girl was also prepared for whatever was coming her and Toto's way as this journey felt like many hours passing to the point where Dorothy even fell asleep as one of her naps was interrupted by a loud thud which had awaken her and Toto as this caused her to quickly rise up from her bed.

"Is it over? I'm surprised we've managed to survive that. It felt like hours..." Dorothy had spoken to Toto in a rather sleepy voice.

She picked up her dog and made her way towards the door and once she did, she opened it and to her shock and surprise, it wasn't Kansas but rather a strange yet beautiful land which was something out of a fairy tale.

It had small houses that were decorated rather beautifully as there were sounds of rushing water which was the pond as this captivated Dorothy.

"Oh gosh, what in the world is this place! I've never seen anything like this" Dorothy had spoken out in awestruck as she slowly walked away from the house as she turned around to see a pair of legs sticking out which made her scream.

"O-Oh no! I think the house crushed this poor sweet old lady..." Dorothy had spoken out in a sympathetic tone of voice as she got closer to the scene as a gruff voice suddenly spoke out to her.

"Sweet? As if! She's been giving us a hard time ever since she showed her terrible self!" A man who was the same height as Dorothy had spoken out as this started the young girl due to his unexpected presence.

"G-Gosh, you've scared me, b-but could you tell me where I'm at and what do you mean by that?" Dorothy had asked the man while waiting for her answer as many more people started to appear as all of them began to whisper amongst themselves as they got closer to the house as this was new information to them.

"You're in Munchkin Country! " A Munchkin boy who was as tall as a teen boy called out as he had a smile on his face as he was sitting on a tree before jumping off to appear in front of Dorothy.

"M-Munchkin Country?! Golly, It seems like I'm not in Kansas anymore..." Dorothy had spoken out in confusion as she was surrounded by many of the inhabitants of the location.

"Is it true? Did this young girl truly defeat the Witch of the East.." A elderly voice called out as she appeared before Dorothy and the Munchkins.

"A-Are you a Munchkin as well?" Dorothy asked the elderly woman as she was met with her shaking her head indicating no.

"Oh dear, No. I'm the Good Witch of the North but you can call me Locasta.." Locasta had answered back in a sweet tone of voice while Dorothy remained surprised at what she's just seen.

"Toto, we're definitely not in Kansas anymore..." Dorothy had spoken to Toto as she was trying to process the events that were unfolding right in front of her.

The Wonderful Land Of OzOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora