Chapter 61

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Yumi and Irine were drinking some water from their bottles, as it hadn't been long since they stopped their dancing practice for their daily break time.

" I was dying of thirst. What got into him today that he tortured us like this." Yumi complained about their teacher who had been scolding them over some difficult moves all day before he had picked two other girls from their class as it was their turn and left to take part in another photo shoot.

"He must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed, or something. At least we are done for the day. Finally, this photo shoot event thing is really beneficial for us all even if we don't have to go." Irine smiled as since their teacher was away, the rest of them were free to go.

"Indeed this is the good side of things. Where do you want to go? Shall we go for crepes? I am kinda craving one." Yumi suggested and Irine had no problem with that so the two of them quickly gathered their things and headed for the front door, talking about what flavor to get until they reached the entrance of the building and there their footsteps stopped when they saw a familiar face.

"Isn't that the guy from the photo shoot yesterday?" Irine whispered to Yumi as the guy seemed to have noticed them and was coming towards them.

"Hello. Hi, Yumi. I don't know if you remember me from yesterday. We did a photoshoot together. "The young model smiled at her as his attention was now focused on the girl who had made a big impression on him yesterday with her strong presence and confidence.

"Ah yes, I remember you but..your name escapes me. "Yumi replied sweetly, wanting him to understand that it wasn't important for her to remember his name, though she did.

"Lucas. I thought I was famous enough to be generally known" He replied now rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Well for everyone there is room for improvement."

"What are you even saying to him?" Irine nudged Yumi as she whispered those words to her and then gave the young man a smile.

"I'll be going. I have plans as we were saying, Yumi. I hope you find someone to eat those crepes with that you wanted." Irine said and then hurried off ignoring Yumi's voice calling to her.

Ah, what a madwoman. What is she doing? Seriously, she didn't even need to do that. I don't even care about this guy.

Yumi thought to herself before, bringing her gaze back to the young model.

"How come you so happened to be here? Let me guess, you were passing by chance." Yumi asked him, expecting to hear any of the nonsense everyone usually utters.

"No. I came for you." But Lucas, to her surprise, was very direct.

"Since I found out where your dancing school is and I have a few hours free on my schedule. I figured it wouldn't be a bad idea to come and invite you for brunch." Yumi looked at him in wonder for a moment and then laughed, finding his behaviour impressive.

"Why not? I was going to brunch anyway. Are you okay with crepes?"

"I love them," he replied enthusiastically, though what he really loved wasn't the crepes but the fact that she'd given him a chance to leave an impression on her.

---change of set---

Namjoon was sitting in his car, which was parked on a street in front of an unrelated apartment building where he had arranged to meet with the private detective he had spoken to on the phone earlier.

He had waited a few minutes looking around until the door of the passenger seat opened and the gentleman he knew entered his car.

"Hello Mr. Kim, Nice to see you in person." The gentleman who was close to his father's age greeted him as he should and Namjoon did the same, holding the thousands of questions he to himself for a while.

"I guess my words must have surprised you."

"Ε? I admit they did. You are sure my new adopted sister has spent a large sum of money in this young man's name." Finally, Namjoon couldn't help but ask.

"Of course I'm sure. The amount was passed through a charity event though. The young man's name is Neil. He's 16 years old. He lives with his family, who have been living in Seoul for three years now. He goes to school here around this corner as I told you on the phone. " The detective made a summary as he handed him the file with everything he had found.

"This charity was only giving money to this particular child?"

"Of course not. There were five people who earned that amount of money. The boy was not one of the five. Despite this, your sister decided to take the debt upon herself and give the same amount of money that the others that had won would have earned, to that particular child. The reason unfortunately is unknown."

"What do you mean unknown? No one asked why. Not even the parents of the child?" Namjoon wondered as if it was him he would surely ask why their child was given that money.

"You don't understand. The parents and the child think they won. They think it's from the lottery of the charity. On all the paperwork it looks that way but the foundation that raised the money on their paperwork they only have five people as winners. I asked further and the foundation manager confided in me about the service they had done to the young police officer."

After the explanation, Namjoon could not help but become a bit curious.

One could say that Eleon had just done good and had kept it quiet, but even if Eleon did not want her good deed to be known, why would she keep the young man's photo among her personal belongings?

"I see. Thank you for your cooperation." Namjoon told him and the gentleman got out of the car, knowing they had nothing more to say.

Namjoon put the envelope aside, intending to study it thoroughly once he got home and then started his car and began driving.

After a few kilometres, however, he came upon a red light at which he stopped.

His eyes were fixed on the road until there was a tapping on his window causing him to turn around and face a policewoman, whom he soon recognized.

Eleon signalled for him to pull over and he ran the light and pulled aside at an opening, now filled with anxiety.

Does she know everything? Has she put some chip in to locate me or something? Just what is this? Why is she here?

Cold sweat began to wash over him as he watched her face approach from the mirror, along with another officer who was walking two steps behind her.

"Sir, do you know why we pulled you over?" The officer next to her asked him once they had reached the side of his car, where he had opened the window instead of getting out.

"Εh? No, I don't."

"Driving without a driver's license. You have three more months to get it back, so you definitely shouldn't be going for rides in broad daylight." Eleon clarified in her usual empty voice, and the same facial expression she always had, but despite that, in Namjoon's eyes she seemed like she was angry with his misstep.

"I'd ask you to follow us to the station," The policeman next to Eleon told him, bringing Namjoon's thoughts to a pause and his eyes to grow wide.

Honestly, in his haste, he had completely forgotten about his license and now he was definitely in trouble.

---To be continued...

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