Chapter 10

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The boys had all arrived at the restaurant, specifically the private room their father had booked for the meeting, and were waiting alone in the room, as the girls and their parents were nowhere to be seen yet.

"How much longer are they going to take? I'm hungry." Taehyung asked Jin who was the last one to contact their father after he arrived at the airport.

" At most another half an hour, I believe," Jin replied while looking at his watch.

"Should we start eating before they get here? Or that wouldn't be nice?" Taehyung wondered though he knew the answer and as Yoongi gave him a sharp look he just sighed and rested his head on his hand before continuing to eye the food that was filling the table.

"Okay, I understand the fact that we had to be on time to make a good impression but why did we have to wear similar clothes?" Complained Jungkook once again as he had wanted to dress in black today but his brothers had other plans.

"Father had said that we should be clean and neat and that we should be looking like a family. So what better way could evoke that feeling other than dressing the same." Jin explained the main purpose though he personally didn't care if they followed his advice that indeed had followed accompanied by a bunch of complaints that Jin ignored completely.

"I personally don't mind the white shirt and jeans. As a future doctor, white will be my everyday colour." Jimin touched his shirt as he spoke, a smile on his lips as he really liked this shirt and intended to keep it forever, regardless if he borrowed it from Hoseok this morning. As most of them.

What sane person would take white shirts on holiday with them anyway? Only Hoseok. Only he could have been so stuck up that he would anticipate some important meeting even this far away from their country. All of them of course had picked out a good suit for the wedding and post-wedding reception but they hadn't gone overboard like Hoseok.

"Meanwhile, I'm wasting my time here waiting while I could have been spending my time, writing," Namjoon spoke without looking up from the tablet he had brought with him.

"And now you're not doing that?" Yoongi who was sitting next to him, leaned over and observed a bit of his screen.

"Yes, but if I wasn't here I could do it better without your yelling distracting me every now and then."

"Look, and if I wasn't here I'd be in my bed sleeping too but we're both here for a specific reason so accept it and put that thing on silent mode or I will throw it out the window. ' Yoongi's words clearly revealed the nerves he had as for the past few minutes all he could hear was the sound of the buttons as Namjoon pressed them. Dlin, dlin, dlin, dlin. God only knows how annoying it had grown to ring in his head already.

"Hyung, let's change seats. My tablet is in danger." Namjoon stood up and went to Jin's seat and Jin sighed heavily before standing up, thinking about how much of a child his brothers could be sometimes.

Just as he was about to sit down in his chair though, the door opened and caught everyone's attention, and in walked the seven girls, one after the other in a row.

They were lined up by age, Eleon as the oldest first, then Roel who was a few months behind her and Hana then the twins, SoYi with Miran, followed by my Yumi who was the second last and Rin who was the youngest.

Unlike the boys, they were not dressed alike although they all wore long trousers to cover their still blushing knees. Only Eleon wore a dress, which she was not used to but because of the incident, she obeyed her mother's words who had pleaded with her to appear like a proper girl and not a cop.

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