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It was the end of November, a week after the game, and I left Harry and Moony alone to talk about his parents. When I came back, he informed me that Harry wanted to learn the Patronus charm, since the dementors always seem to affect him more. He had agreed to do it, but only after Christmas break. He asked me to tag along when he would teach Harry since I learned at a young age too. I agreed in an instant.

But now Moony and I were standing in the room where we would hold the defence and duelling club. The floor was covered in the blue gymnastic mats that we always used. I was pacing on the blue mat with my bare feet, my wand twirling between my fingers.

"Nervous, cub?"

"I never expected so many people to sign up." I said stopping in front of him, my grey eyes wide.

"I did. They are in dire need of good training and... you of course."

"Me?" I asked, my wand stopping between my pinkie and ring finger.

"Hm, yes. A lot of people had signed up before, but even more after your Patronus stunt on the pitch."

"Oh." I said with my mouth open.

A few days before, we hung out a notice for the ones who signed up, to come in comfortable clothes, preferably a training suite. But I couldn't help but chuckle when they all came in. With mismatched clothes. You knew some had transfigured their old clothes into something comfortable. You could also see a clear difference between kids with a muggle influence and the purebloods. Like Hermione was wearing a simple grey tracksuit, while Draco wore a black shirt and, was it running trousers? I didn't know, it looked like he was ready to spend dinner in a fancy restaurant. Moony and I shared a glance and bit our lips to hold back a chuckle. I was wearing black sweatpants with a white top from AC/DC on top of it.

"Hi everyone," I called out. "Can everyone take off their shoes and socks and place them against the wall."

A few looked surprised at me before they followed the others and took off their shoes. The confusion of taking their shoes off and seeing the large blue mats in the room was a sight I would never forget. It was just so funny. Everyone stopped in front of the mat and looked at me and Moony. There were so many that had signed up, we needed to divide them into two groups. So now was the group filled with third to fifth years. There were about thirty students in the room, I liked that no one wore their school robes and were all just looking like any other kid. I looked to Moony for a second who gave me an encouraging nod. I looked back to the crowd, I saw Angelina and Lee, Harry, Ron and Hermione. Draco, his bodyguards, Blaise, Theo and Emmett Nott. But I didn't see the twins, and that hurt me more than I care to admit. I had the first club meeting last week with the sixth and seventh years, which went well.

"Welcome everyone." I smiled as my eyes roamed the faces. "You can stand on the mat, it won't bite." I held back a grin, and they stepped onto the mat. "Alright, does anyone have experience with Duelling," Hands shot up in the air. "More than what you did last year," I added and a lot of hands lowered. Just like I had expected is that most of the Slytherins' hands stayed up. "Great, can you stand on the right?" I gestured to the side and Draco walked over there with a smug look, and I rolled my eyes at him. "Who has experience in martial arts?"

"In what?" Someone piped up.

"Muggle defence, like karate, judo, boxing." I looked at the boy, I thought was a Ravenclaw. Only three hands shot up in the air and gestured them forward.

"Why do we need to learn muggle defence?" One of Draco's bodyguards scoffed. "My wand is faster than anything."

I looked over my shoulder to see Moony grin. "Can you come forward...?"

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