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"Here is my favourite team!" I grinned as I approached the quidditch team with Lee before they entered the changing rooms. The rain was coming down hard, and I had my wand pointed upwards to shield me from the rain. The twins' smiles were large, but Angelina pushed past them, making them grumble and hugged me tight. Her clothes were already wet.

"You'll do great, Ange. Can't wait to see the triple threat." I grinned as I pulled back. I saw the twins wait expectantly for their own hug, but right before I reached them, I dashed for Harry.

"Good luck, Potter," I smirked, because I knew he hated that I called him by his last name, I think my cousin had something to do with that. He pursed his lips at me, but a smile crept through. "I hear everyone talking about the youngest seeker in a century, so don't let me down."

"I'll try." He grinned and leaned closer to whisper. "I have a meeting with Professor Lupin at the end of the week. To talk about... everything."

"That's great, Harry. He'll love it. He wished he could come to see the game, but he's a bit under the weather."

"You can recap everything for him."

"I'll try." I winked and gave him a quick hug. "Alright, I better get going!" I said and turned to leave. I couldn't help my grin when the twins called out. "Yes?" I turned around with a straight face and a raised brow. It was hard to hold back my laughter at the faces of the twins. Angelina was standing next to Lee with a grin of her own. "Alright fine." I sighed, a smile slipping on my face. "If you need a hug that badly." I rolled my eyes and opened my arms.

The twins both stumbled towards me in a hurry as they wrapped themselves around me. "Good luck, boys. Let's see what those arms are made of." I rubbed their arms with a grin. I leaned on my toes and kissed their cheeks. When I landed back on my feet, I tucked a wayward strand of hair behind my ear, the twins' ears red. "I'll see you after the game." I looked between the twins. "Lee! Let's go! Before McGonagall has your head!"

Lee gave Angelina a sweet and chaste kiss, murmuring good luck before darting over to me and the twins. I turned and headed to the stands where Lee was going to announce the game. The chanting and voices were loud as the stands started to fill up. And because of the noise, I only heard Lee's chuckle and half a sentence before the noise was too loud.

"You two have it -"

When Lee and I reached the stands, the players all walked on the pitch. The wind was so hard, they had to push through. Their clothes were already soaked and weighed down by the rain. They climbed their brooms and shot up in the air. When Harry lifted from the ground, I saw him sway back and forward as he tried to balance himself. The game wasn't a pretty sight. With the heavy rain and wind, they could barely see each other, even Lee's commentary faded due to the noise as he tried to peer through the rain to see what was happening.

"I don't think Harry can see very much," I spoke loudly to Lee and pointed to Harry who wasn't flying too far off from us. Harry had almost flown into a Katie, his glasses filled with raindrops. The sky was getting darker, as though the night was about to fall, but in reality, it was only just a little after noon. When a strike of lightning illuminated the sky and a loud thunder followed, Hooch's whistle filled the air and the players descended towards the ground. I leaned over the bannister and saw Hermione pointing her wand at Harry's glasses. Oh, a water-repellent charm. Smart girl. I thought to myself. With another loud thunder, the players climbed their brooms again and shot up in the air. With the rain, lightning, thunder and crazy bludgers, the game had become more dangerous by the minute. I was biting my nails to the brim from my nerves as my eyes flickered over the pitch.

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