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The next few days were a bit chilly. The twins were distant and poured their attention on the two girls from the party. Angelina and Lee didn't know what happened, they only knew the twins had kissed those girls. Angelina and Lee looked like they were waiting for a bomb to go off, but they were free to do whatever or whomever they wanted. Even though it looked like Fred wanted to rub my face into it. Three days had passed since the first task, and we were sitting at the Gryffindor table. Angelina and Lee were on one side of me, while Jack and Jazz occupied the other side. In front of us were the twins with their new girlfriends. Fred was snogging her excessively in front of us while George whispered things to his girlfriend, making her giggle and blush.

Jack frowned at them before he cleared his throat, looking back at me. "So, Moony should be proud of you for how you did at the first task."

"He is. Harry wrote to him and Sirius. We're going over there after dinner, so I won't be at the castle tonight."

"You call Professor Lupin Moony?" Lee asked.

"He was never a professor of mine." Jack smiled. "I've known him since I was six, so I just picked up on how Alec called him."

"How did you meet?"

"He was my boy next door." I smiled and nudged his arm. "We met the day we moved into the house, been best friends ever since."

Fred scoffed before he muttered under his breath. "Best friends, right."

"I-" I took in a deep breath before I stood up from my seat. "I think I'm going to leave early. I'll see you guys later." I said already heading towards Harry, not waiting for an answer.

Jack was fuming, it wouldn't surprise him if steam was coming from his ears. His fingers twitched, anxious to grab his wand. Jazz tugged on his sleeve.

"Jack." She whispered nervously.

"Nee." He frowned, his eyes on the twin who drove his best friend out of the great hall. "You are a massive asshole."

"Excuse me?" The redhead said he didn't know if it was Fred or George.

"Jij verdommende klootzak! You have no right to judge Alec. Alec has been my best friend for over ten years, I know her better than anyone, except maybe Moony. And the way you are acting is breaking her, don't you think she has enough on her plate already?" He stood up, fisting his hands. "You two should open your eyes before you lose her completely."

The redheaded twins looked at him with a shocked expression, then it turned into regret. But Jack didn't care about that. At this moment, he knew he had to leave before he would spill anything Alec wouldn't forgive him for. He turned around and charged out of the great hall.

"Ok, wat is dit?" I laughed as Harry and I stepped out of the fireplace of Sirius's house. There was a large banner on the wall that read Congratulations, number 1's. Sirius was putting candles on a cake in the kitchen and Remus was nowhere to be seen. [Okay, what's this?]

"What was that?" Sirius grinned, waving his hand over the candles to light them up. "I can speak fluently French, but I don't understand whatever gibberish that was."

"Dutch." Harry and I said in unison.

"If that's even a language." He chuckled, putting his wand in his back pocket. "Moony always starts mumbling or ranting in gibberish when he's mad or frustrated with me, and I can't understand a word of it."

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