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It was the end of January, and I was lying on my stomach on my bed reading about my next potions class when I heard the door open. Not the door to my room, but the one that led out into the corridor. I didn't pay much attention to it, as some students came to ask for Remus. But a few seconds later there was a knock on my door. The door creaked open slowly and Remus's head popped in.

"Hey, cub. You got some visitors."

"Oh, yeah?" I asked looking up from my book.

"Angelina and the others are here. Do you want me to get rid of them or?"

"No, let them in." I said before he disappeared from my room leaving my door open. I put my attention back to my book as I heard Remus's footsteps walk to the door.

"Come in, come in." I heard his voice say. "Welcome." I could just see Remus gesture around the room proudly, his arms wide.

"Nice digs, professor." I heard Lee say.

"Thank you, Lee." I heard the footsteps come closer. "And here is the person you're looking for."

I looked up to see the five of them standing in the doorway looking at me. They were all still wearing their school robes. It was only an hour after dinner, and they still had time to wander around the castle.

"Are you going to come in or are you just going to stand there?" I raised an eyebrow with a grin. Angelina was the first to move and walked over to my bed quickly, while the boys all walked in slowly. Seemingly afraid Remus would pound on them for having a boy or rather boys in my room.

"I have a staff meeting. I'll be back in about an hour, two tops." Remus said looking from the others to me with a smile.

"Alright, but if you're not back by ten, I'm eating your ice cream." I pointed with my bookmark at him. Remus gasped and clutched his heart. If anyone would look at him right now, you would think someone suggested something improper. When the others chuckled, he winked at me before leaving us in the dormitory.

"I can't believe you have a room of your own." Angelina said, flopping down next to me.

"Yeah, it's okay." I shrugged, flipping a page over.

"Okay? You have all the privacy you want. You can invite anyone over without nosy roommates." She wiggled her eyebrows. "Someone like Nott, maybe."

I saw the twins turn away from my pinboard and look at me. Their faces were indescribable. "Yeah, right." I laughed and nudged Angelina's shoulder. "Nott coming over when your uncle sleeps right next door. And can hear everything..."

"Hm, yeah. That might be a buzz kill. But there is always a Muffliato charm."

"Oh, De la Barre." I laughed as I let my head fall in my hands, shaking it slightly. I lifted my hand again to look at the others. "What are you guys doing here anyway?"

"We wanted to see your room." Fred grinned, looking at the collection of pictures on my wall.

"Just like you expected?" I asked, closing my book and sitting up, Angelina followed my lead.

"No." He said, holding a yellow scarf between his fingers. "And yes." He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Whose is this?"

"Cedric's." I shrugged. "He gave it to me a few days ago. I saw him come out of Potions and he gave it to me, saying Snape deliberately put a cooling charm in the room. It was so cold you could see your own breath."

"That's..." Lee glanced at the twins. "Nice of him."

"It was." I nodded. "Nott wasn't too pleased though."

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