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"Kelpie's Death." I said as I reached the Gryffindor tower. The knight, who's name I'd forgotten, was standing there with his sword pointed at me.

"Password has changed, my fair lady."

"Again?" I groaned. I turned around with a frown before I came up with an idea. I raised my wand in front of me. "Expecto Patronum." Silver-white streaks flew out of my wand until it changed into a white Arctic wolf. "Hey, Loki. This message is for Angelina, alright?" I asked and the wolf's ears perked up. "Angelina, I can't get in the tower, the freaking knight changed the password again. If you're in the common room, can you open the portrait? If not, I'll come by another time."

The wolf leapt over me and jumped through the knight's portrait, who was wielding his sword towards the Patronus, but it just went straight through. Not five seconds later the portrait door swung open, revealing the twins and Angelina.

"She had sent me the Patronus." She huffed and pushed the twins aside. It looked like the three of them had raced to the door, but seeing as the twins' legs were longer, they arrived first. "Why did you run out of the great hall? And where have you been all day?" She asked grabbing my arm and pulling me inside.

She pulled me towards their favourite corner, sat down in an oversized armchair and pulled me next to her, the twins sat back down next to Lee and Alicia. "I got a letter with my OWL results. And I rushed out to open it with my uncle."

"Go on, tell us. Don't let us wait in suspense." Angelina tugged my arm.

"Alright." I chuckled. "I passed, an O on both fronts."

"I knew it!" She cried out and hugged me.

"We all knew that, Ange." George rolled his eyes with a smile.

"We should celebrate." Lee grinned. "Maybe with something strong?"

"No, I just had some fire whiskey." I shook my head.

"Professor Lupin gave you fire whiskey? I wish my parents were that relaxed." Angelina chuckled.

"No, I'm celebrating with him a little later. He never gets me anything stronger than cider."

"With whom were you drinking fire whiskey then?" Alicia asked curious. It wasn't like we were close friends, but she had loosened up over the past weeks. We didn't talk separately, but when we were in the group, we exchanged words.

"I went to tell Snape about my results."

"Snape gave you fire whiskey!?" Fred shouted and nearly jumped out of his chair from shock, making the other students look at him.

"No, dimwit." I laughed softly. "Can I finish?" I asked with a raised brow. "After I left his classroom, I bumped into Nott. He invited me into the Slytherin common room."

"You went into the snake's lair?" Angelina gasped next to me.

"And I came out of it alive and without a scratch." I looked at the twins, who had a frown in place. "I can't say the same for Crabbe and Goyle. I believe that was your handy work?" I raised my brow again.

"We can't confirm –"

"Or deny it." George finished, both with a grin, but something was off.

"That's what I thought." I snickered and Angelina did the same. Then something large, fluffy and orange appeared on my lap. Crookshanks leapt up on my lap and looked at me with his flat nose and large eyes. "Hello, Crooks." I scratched behind his ear.

"That is a weird cat," Angelina said leaning away from me and the cat. "He doesn't like anyone except for Hermione and you apparently. She's been after Ron's rat for ages."

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