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By the time dinner came around the whole school was talking about the dance. Not surprisingly, since they never held something like this before. For me well, I didn't find it so special. Beauxbatons held a lot of dances and balls during the years. But this is the first one, I'm obligated to attend and open to. The whole room was buzzing with excitement, especially the girls at they talked about it. Harry still looked pale at the idea, I nudged his arm with a grin, and he couldn't help but mimic it.

"Don't worry, Harry. There are a lot of people who want to go with you."

"A lot of girls you mean?" Ron asked.

"No," I said simply turning to the redhead on Harry's other side. "Why don't you go ask your dance partner? I guess Professor McGonagall would love to go with you if she hasn't been asked by someone else already. Otherwise, you'll have to go alone." I smirked; I couldn't help the snide remark. Harry may have forgiven him, but that didn't mean I had to.

Ron turned red while Harry snorted in his drink and the twins laughed loudly across from me. I turned back to Harry and patted his shoulder softly. "Just go with someone fun, and it will all be alright. Don't put too much stress on it."

"Yeah, you're right." He laughed when I gave him a look that said: 'I'm always right.'. "Besides I still have time."

I nodded with a slight hum. "Four weeks and counting down."

Harry paled again as I grinned, plucking a potato from his plate. The twins looked amused at the both of us. For the rest of dinner, Fred and George guided the conversation. Not talking about the ball for a second, just telling us about the latest prank they did on Snape.

I was in the Beauxbatons carriage with Jack and Jazz. Jazz was lying on Jack's bed flipping through some witches' magazines, humming alongside the music. My head was on Jack's lap as I tossed M&Ms in the air, trying to catch it when Jack didn't intervene. Two weeks already had passed since the announcement, and only two more weeks until the ball. I didn't have a date yet, but I didn't mind really. I knew Jazz was going solo, so if anything, she would volunteer to go with me as long as I didn't steal her groove in charming other witches or wizards.

"Stop stealing my sweets." I snatched the M&M out of the air before Jack could close his mouth around it.

"Stop speaking English." He pursed his lips at me, his lips curling up.

"I'm just so used to it by now."

"I get it." He said, stroking my hair back. "Even Jazz and I talk English to each other when no one is around, comes easily with so many people around."

"So, are you planning to ask Levvi to the ball?"

"Who's Levvi?" Jazz asked, interest peaked. She tossed the magazine aside and turned on her stomach to look at us.

"A Hufflepuff girl. She's in my year. She's kind, funny and has gorgeous green eyes."

"Wait." Jack frowned, looking down at me. "How do you know about Levvi?"

"After eleven years, you should know I know everything about you," I smirked up at him. "Besides, I've seen you take her on midnight strolls around the castle."

"You've been spying on me as Loki?" He gasped, but a smile stretched on his face.

"I don't spy, I explore. It's not my fault you happen to stroll around a couple of times a week, under the moonlight." I teased.

"Nothing happened." He said quickly.

"Why not?"

"I like her, but -" He was quiet for a moment. "She thinks we're together and I thought you wanted me to escort you to the ball."

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