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That impatient foolish idiot! I grumbled to myself when the news of Sirius Black reached my ears. I had been woken up by Remus, his eyes frightened and alarmed. Telling me that Black broke into the Gryffindor common room, standing over Ronald Weasley's bed with a knife. The security around the castle increased and though the twins frowned at the tightened security, which made it harder for them to sneak around and pull pranks, it was still easy to sneak out of the castle as Loki.

So, the day after it happened, I trotted over to the forbidden forest after making sure Harry was okay. When I didn't find Black in the forest, I didn't dare to go too deep, knowing what hides in there, I walked back out to see Crookshanks waiting for me. I cocked my furry little head at the cat. He stuck his nose in the air and turned around. I rolled my wolf eyes and followed the cat. Of course, the cat stopped in front of the whomping willow. I walked under the swaying branches and looked over my shoulder to the cat.

"Aren't you coming?" I asked. Crookshanks gave a slight shake of his head before turning and walking back to the castle. "Alright then." I grumbled and slid down the muddy pathway.

After a ten-minute walk, I entered the Shrieking Shack. I walked into the room we last met. Sirius Black was sitting cross-legged on the bed, staring through the window in front of him. As I walked into the room, I turned back into my human form and paced in front of him. It didn't even dawn on me to draw my wand or that I wasn't afraid to turn my back on the alleged mass murderer.

"What the fuck were you thinking, Black!" I cried out after I ceased my pacing and looked at my biological father. His eyes had averted from the window and looked at me curiously. "Breaking into the castle! Not just the castle but the GRYFFINDOR COMMON ROOM! You've spent twelve years in Azkaban, you should've learned how to be patient! I'm trying to get Scabbers, okay? But Ronald thinks Crooks already ate him because he's missing!"

"How long have you been an Animagus?" He asked calmly.

"What?!" I asked, my eyes nearly bulging out of my sockets.

"How long have you been an Animagus." He repeated slowly, his eyes searching for something.

"About three years now." I said still confused about the question.

"How old are you?"

"Sixteen. What's with the twenty questions?"

"Just curious." He shrugged. He was quiet for a moment before he said. "You were thirteen when you became an Animagus?" He asked surprised and a little impressed, his eyes large.

"Uhm, yeah." I turned around to look out the window.


"Why what?" I asked not turning around.

"Why did you want to become an Animagus, why so young?"

"Why did you?" I asked turning to him with a fixed glare. Sirius Black leaned against the headboard and stretched out his legs in front of him.

"I had my reasons."

"So did I." I mumbled. It didn't escape me how alike we were, but I really, really didn't want to admit that.

"Sorry." He whispered, and my head shot up from the ground to the bed. "I shouldn't have gone in the castle. But I couldn't help myself."

"Obviously." I rolled my eyes.

"When I was in the castle... I heard kids talking." He said slowly. I looked at him and tried to keep a neutral face, afraid of what he might have heard. When I didn't respond, he continued. "I heard that Lupin, Professor Lupin has a daughter who goes to this school."

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