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Happy Update Monday!

This is the final chapter of Alec's sixth year. I will be taking a break to write more for her seventh year and beyond before I start publishing again. But don't worry the story will be finished. ;-)

Happy Easter!

Remus Lupin

I heard her howl in pain. That noise is going to be permanently nestled in my mind. I going to have nightmares about it for years. She was in her wolf form and the howl was agonizing. None of the other people around me seemed to notice. But everyone was getting restless because there was literally nothing to see. And time seemed to tick by so slowly.

I started pacing. Left, right, left, right. And again. After a while, Sirius got fed up with me and grabbed my shoulders.

"Remus, calm down." My eyes flickered over to the maze. He took me in. "What is it? Did you hear something?"

I couldn't tell Sirius. It would only make things worse. I shook my head. "No, no. Just anxious, I want this over with." I ran a hand through my hair.

His brows furrowed a bit as he regarded me but dropped it. One hand slid down my arm and grasped my hand. I looked back to the maze but didn't let go.

Then suddenly the air started swirling in front of the maze and Harry dropped to the ground with Alec. Harry was sobbing over her body. Her still body, her very still body. I didn't even realize I was running until I dropped down next to them.

"No, no, no, no, no, no. NO!" I screamed so loud the entire stand fell silent. "Alec, please." My tears fell on her dirty champion's uniform.

Pomfrey was next to me a second later, together with a healer from St Mungo's. Harry had his knees pulled to his chest as he rocked back and forth, back and forth. I shuffled aside from the healers and placed her head in my lap.

"Please be okay. Please be okay." I whispered. Please be alive!

"Harry, what happened?" Dumbledore asked while the healers worked on Alec. I didn't take my eyes off her.

"It was a trap." He breathed. "Pettigrew was there. He... he shot a killing curse at Alec." He sobbed. "He's back." He said hoarsely. That made me look at him. Tears were streaming down his face, his arm bleeding uncontrollably. "I couldn't stop him. Voldemort's back."

Whispers filled my ears. But I didn't care about Voldemort, not right now. Now my priority was my daughter.

"The killing curse," I said, not recognizing my own voice. "She - she's dead."

"No," Pomfrey said steadfastly. "Remus, no. She is not dead."

"What?" I blinked at her, feeling the tears run down my cheeks. "How-"

"I don't know. She's not dead, not yet."

"Not yet?" Sirius croaked, kneeling behind the healer from St Mungo's. Harry was being dragged away by Moody.

"We don't know what happened, or how she survived the killing curse. But she is in critical condition. We need to get her to the hospital wing, now!"

Suddenly she was lifted in the air by magic, and Sirius and I followed. I don't know how I got from the Quidditch pitch to the hospital wing, but there I was. I was sitting on a chair next to her bed. The healers talked softly to each other as they performed spell after spell on her. She died three times in one hour. They always managed to get her back, for now. Sirius was sitting next to me, clinging to me like I was his lifeline. The rest all went by in a blur, people came in and out of the hospital wing. Who? I had no idea. Did they say anything? Nothing came to mind. I don't know how many hours had passed, or how Harry was doing, but when the sun began to rise behind the mountains, the healers dropped down on a chair exhausted.

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