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I dropped down on the floor in front of the fire, dropping my head in Angelina's lap. The common room was crowded but silent as a lot of them were studying. But the group decided we weren't going to do anything tonight. They weren't going to study, and I wasn't going to train or think about the tournament for one night. Or at least try not to think about it.

"Hey, I've missed you." Angelina said running her fingers through my hair.

"Next year will be better. No tournament then." I smiled up at her, but she looked sad. "Angelina, what's wrong?"

"Lee and I had a fight."

I sat up and wrapped an arm around her. "What happened? You two never fight."

"We were talking about our future. You know, the time after school. And -" She took in a deep breath. "It seems like our relationship is doomed because we both want to do different things."

"You want to be a quidditch player, right?" She nodded. "And Lee an announcer or something to do with radio."


"And you both want the house, the kids, the whole thing?"

She sniffed a little as she nodded. "We even have the names picked out."

I took her face in my hands and smiled. "Then everything will be alright. There is no job or distance that can tear you two apart. How I envy the relationship you have. The trust and love. The friendship or the fact that you can make each other laugh at any moment of the day. You got the right one, Ange. Trust me."

"Alec, you -" She stopped as the portrait door swung open. Lee and the twins stepped in. Their arms were loaded with snacks. Lee dropped everything on the couch when he noticed Angelina next to me.

"Baby, I'm so sorry." He wrapped her in a tight hug like he was never going to let her go. "Our fight was so stupid. Whatever path we choose, we'll make it work, I promise. I love you so damn much."

Angelina sniffed a little. "I love you too." She pulled back from the hug and kissed Lee fiercely.

"I'm glad that that's sorted." George said as he dropped to the floor to my left.

"I couldn't hear Lee wine and cry a second longer." Fred said taking the other side.

"I wasn't crying." Lee protested. He had pulled Angelina in his lap, burying his head in the crook of her neck.

"Whatever you say, Jordan." The twins chimed.

I chuckled as I leaned my head against Fred's shoulder, my hand wrapped around George's. "I know we said we were all going to hang out. But I'm exhausted." I eyed the couple in front of me. "And I guess you two have some make-up sex to do."

They both flush, looking in another direction. The twins chuckled beside me

"Well, I am pretty tired," Angelina said coyly. "Care to join me in my dorm?"

"With you? Always." And two seconds later, they disappeared up the stairs.

"Is it okay if I sleep in your room? My dorm mates have company over too."

"You never have to ask, love." Fred kissed my temple. As George pulled me up, Fred grabbed all the snacks, and we headed upstairs. "You can use the bathroom first."

I nodded and slipped into the bathroom. I did my nightly routine before I took one of the twins' quidditch jerseys and pulled it over my head. When I stepped out and they saw me, their eyes darkened with lust, both biting their bottom lip.

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