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George and Fred were singing loudly in the Weasley tent, happy that the Irish had won. Hermione and I were whispering as we looked at the twins, who were teasing Ron. Suddenly Charlie took my hand and started dancing with me to the sound of the twins and the music.

"Are all of you Weasleys so..."

"Handsome?" Charlie grinned. "Why yes, we are. Good genes, if I say so myself."

"That was not what I was going to say." I laughed.

"It's the truth either way." He winked. "So, you're the daughter of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin?"

"I am the daughter of Remus Lupin, yes." I said, looking away from him. The twins had stopped singing, they were leaning against the tent, their arms crossed as they looked at me and Charlie. Bill was trying to talk to them but smirked when they didn't answer and followed their gazes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."

"It's okay." I looked back up at him. "It's just complicated."

"Yeah, I would assume so." He looked at me with a small smile. "Bill and I were talking earlier..."

"Oh, yeah?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"We would like to see your duelling skills."

I laughed at that because he looked so serious. "Well, the next time you're in England, I'll hold you to that. Bill too."

"That might be sooner than you think." He whispered in my ear. The next moment Charlie was being pulled away by the twins and George tucked me in his side, while Fred pushed Charlie away. "Took longer than I thought." Charlie laughed as Bill clapped his back.

I looked up at George and squeezed his waist. He stopped glaring at his two older brothers and looked at me with a smile. Then explosions sounded. Bill, Charlie, Percy and Arthur had their wands drawn, just like me as I took a stance. Arthur slipped out for a few seconds before coming back in.

"Death eaters." Arthur breathed. "Kids, you go into the woods until you hear from me, alright?"

The lot of us ran out of the tent, and chaos surrounded us. People screamed while others were floating upside down in the air.

"Fred, George, keep Ginny safe!" Arthur yelled before he and the three eldest brothers ran towards the chaos. The twins both took Ginny's hand and George held out his free hand for me.

"Keep your wands ready." I said to them. Ron took his wand out of his pocket, but the rest had them in hand. "Go straight to the forest." I said before I turned.

"Where are you going?" George stopped me with a hand on my shoulder.

"I need to find Draco."

"He'll be fine. Let's go." Fred said looking around nervously.

But I stood my ground. "I NEED TO FIND HIM!"

"His father is a death eater; they're not going to hurt the precious son of You-know-who's trusted follower."

"What!?" I shrieked, and I saw the moment Fred registered what he had said. Another explosion behind us. "Go to the forest. Now!"

"Alec, wait! I'll come with you." Harry came closer to me.

"No." I shook my head. "You go to the forest with the others."

"Alec." The twins pleaded, I looked to George who still had his hand on my shoulder.

I squeezed the hand on my shoulder. "Go." I said barely audible. With another lingering look, they took off towards the forest while I ran the other way, towards the loud sound of explosions.

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