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An extra update because... well because I wanted to 😁

You'll notice that Fred, George and Alec are finally going in the right direction!

"I thought now that everyone is busy, I could sneak you into the prefect's bathroom." He said with a lopsided grin. No wonder why he's so popular with the ladies, that smile even made my knees a little weak. "I know you don't have the egg with you." He glanced at me. "You'll need the egg, right?" I nodded. "But at least you will know where to be the next time.

I nodded again as I followed him up the stairs, through a corridor. And another and another before I saw the statue he mentioned earlier.

"Bath bombs." He said and the door swished open.

"Bath bombs, really? A bit on the nose, isn't it?" I chuckled.

"Maybe." He shrugged with a tiny smile. "But I didn't choose the password this time." He stepped aside and motioned for me to go in first.

For gods' sake, that bathroom was huge. It was like Cedric said, more a swimming pool than a tub. Even Beauxbatons didn't have a bathroom like this, or at least I hadn't found any in my years there. The castle was so large, there was a lot left to explore. But our bathrooms were bigger than in Hogwarts. With a tub and a separate shower, floor-length windows with a view of the mountains. Here a mermaid grazed the stained windows, flipping her long hair over her shoulder.

"It seems like Hogwarts still has a few surprises up her sleeve." Cedric grinned as he watched me look around in awe.

"Too bad it's only for the prefects. I would be here almost every day."

He laughed, the sound echoing in the room. "I think you just made the point as to why it's only available for prefects."

My lips twitched upwards. "I guess so."

Cedric then explained how to fill the tub and said once someone is inside the door is locked, so they won't be disturbed. He held out his arm for me.

"It's getting late. I should take you back to your common room."

"You don't have to walk me back, Cedric. I don't want to get you in trouble."

"I would never leave a lady on her own in this big, scary castle." He winked and I playfully rolled my eyes. "And besides, I am a prefect. I'm allowed to roam the halls late at night."

"Alright then." I looped my arm through his and we walked out. We talked about the tournament a bit, about how he missed quidditch this year. And a lot of other things. When we stopped in front of the fat lady, he bounced nervously on his heels.

"I had a great time tonight."

"I did too. Thank you for inviting me."

He took my hand in his and lifted it to his lips. "I wouldn't have wanted to go with anyone else."

"Not even your backup?" I teased, even though my cheeks flushed.

"I think I would have left an hour into the Ball." He said. And I believed him. He still held my hand, his thumb slowly caressing the back of my hand. "Can I – Can I kiss you?" He asked quietly.


"It doesn't have to mean anything. I know the thing between you and -" He glanced around. "The Weasley twins is complicated but... But I really had a great time tonight. You are funny and smart. And absolutely breathtaking. And I really want to kiss you right now."

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