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It was over a week ago that Harry and I went flying on his firebolt. It had been an exhilarating experience, to say the least. Both of us didn't mention to Ron I flew on it before him because we knew he could get petty about it. The bright side was that Ron started to talk to Hermione again. Hermione had seen Harry and I walk back in the castle that night, both flushed from the cool air. I had seen her frown and utter a quick excuse before leaving us in the corridor. Harry looked confused at her retreating back but shrugged it off as she always went to the library.

We were now celebrating the win of the quidditch match in the Gryffindor common room. With Harry's new broom and the lack of dementors, they won easily, and the party was now in full swing. I had been sitting with Nott at the game, he kissed me passionately before he told me to go ahead and go celebrate with my friends. I kissed him again before I headed to the stairs of the bleachers, not before Emmett playfully slapped my ass. I looked over my shoulder with a scrunched-up nose, but he just smirked and winked at me. I turned around with a smile and headed to my lion friends.

I was sitting on a chair in the corner as people danced and talked around me. My eyes were fixed on the ginger cat as it tried to go up the boys' dormitories. Trying to get Scabbers/Wormtail/Pettigrew, whatever. But to no avail, most of the Gryffindors had ganged up on the cat and stood in front of the staircase so he couldn't pass. Ron had been saying for weeks now that Crookshanks had eaten him. But if that was true, why was the cat still trying to get into the boys' dormitories? My eyes went up the stairs, but I didn't have an excuse to go up the boys' dormitories now, did I?

"You're cute when you frown." I looked up to see George leaning against the wall next to me, an easy-going grin on his face. "Why does the boys' dormitory hold your interest?"

"It doesn't." I shrugged. "I was just making sure Crooks doesn't get a chance to get up there." I pointed at the cat, who seemed to scowl at the students.

"Instead of worrying about the cat." He said pushing himself off the wall and coming to stand in my line of sight. "Maybe you should focus your attention on me."

"On you?" I grinned with a quirked eyebrow.

"Uhu." He nodded with a lopsided grin. He bowed and held out his hand. "Would you do me the honour of dancing with me, miss Lupin-Black?"

I smiled up at him as I took his hand, he helped me up and led me to the spot that was reserved for dancing. Just as we reached the spot, a slow song went on. I saw George giving a nod behind me and I turned to see Lee grin at George. I looked back to George before he would see I noticed the exchange. George wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close. My arms went around his neck as we danced.

"You played great today." I said as I looked up to him. George found my eyes quickly, a lopsided grin in place.

"I always play great." I slapped a hand against his chest as I shook my head laughing. "Ouch."

"You're too cocky."

"I'm a Weasley twin after all." He shrugged with the same grin. He took the hand that still rested on his chest and twirled me around, leading me back against him. "You're a good dancer."

"I'm good at everything." I grinned a Chesire grin at him. "Except tying my freaking tie."

"And you say I'm cocky." He huffed with a laugh. "This is nice." He said as I leaned my head against his chest. I hummed in response; this was nice. This was safe and sweet and from the moment one of the twins had their arms around me, I felt... calm and knew that accepted me for me. With my head leaning on his chest, I could see Fred standing a few meters away from us. He was dancing with one of the fourth-year Gryffindors.

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