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"Take a seat, Remus." Dumbledore smiled.

"I'm good here." He said standing behind me, his hands on my shoulders.

"Right, let's get this started then." The minister said. I looked at him with a frown, he was looking at Remus in disgust, like he was covered in slime. "I already heard a version from Harry Potter and his friends. But I want to hear your version."

So, that's what I did. I recounted the events of that evening, going over them step by step. Twenty minutes later, I took in a deep breath when I finished. I tilted my head to look at Remus, who gave me a supportive smile. Dumbledore had a twinkle in his eyes as he looked at me, and Fudge... well he still wore a scowl like a champ.

"Do you mind if we retract the memory from you?"

"No!" Remus said, his hand tight on my shoulders. "She's still recovering."

I reached up and placed my hand over his. "It's okay." I looked to the minister. "You can even try legilimes or put me under Veritaserum. Nothing I said is a lie."

"It won't come that far, isn't that right, Fudge." Dumbledore's voice was soft but stern.

"Right, no, just the memory then." He gave a reluctant nod. He stood up and reached for his wand. Remus moved fast in front of me, blocking the minister from view.

"I'll do it." He said decisively. In other words. Don't touch her.

Fudge looked from Remus to Dumbledore when the headmaster gave a nod, he sighed and slumped back down. Remus shifted so he was crouching down in front of me.

"Tell me when I need to stop." He asked softly. I nodded, and when he took his wand, I closed my eyes. I felt the tip of his wand at my temple, and I thought about the events of that night, as he pulled the memory out. My brows knitted together from the pain that coursed through my head. I felt Remus's hand shake and he tried to pull away, but I locked his hand in place. He grudgingly proceeded to pull the memory out. When he was done, I leaned back against the chair, not ready to open my eyes. Remus leaned forward and placed a kiss on the top of my head before standing up. I heard chairs scrape the floor as Dumbledore and Fudge stood up. I lifted one eye open and saw the pair walking to a large pensieve in the corner. Remus took his place behind me again, his hands resting on my shoulders. I closed my eyes again and let my head fall back.

"Are you okay?" I hummed in response, not really sure what to answer. "I'll take you back soon, cub. You're doing great."

When the two of them sat back down on their respective seats, I opened my eyes again. Dumbledore looked pleased, but Fudge looked at his notebook with a frown. They sat in silence for a bit as he scribbled down.

Remus cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, but Alec needs her rest."

"We're almost done, Remus." Dumbledore smiled.

"Even though your story matched the memory, I need to ask. You are Sirius Black's daughter, why should we believe you? Maybe you just want your dad out of prison."

I scoffed a little. "Remus is my dad." I felt Remus squeeze my shoulder softly. "He was the one who raised me and chose me. Black is a stranger to me. He never wanted me. He never wanted anything to do with me and my mum. If he was guilty, why would I lie for him? He means nothing to me."

Fudge looked at me for a moment, trying to find out if I was lying. When he found what he was searching for, or gave up finding something to lock him up, he sighed. "Right, with your testimony I believe Sirius Black is innocent and was falsely imprisoned. I'll go over to the ministry with Dumbledore, and he'll be a free man by tonight."

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