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Remus had left about an hour ago to go talk to Sirius, and I was pacing a hole in the living room. I was nibbling on a fingernail when a knock came from the door. I stopped midway the path that I had been going over for the past half hour, my finger still in my mouth, frozen in place. When the second knock came, I jumped a little as I came out of it and walked towards the door. My hand hovered over the doorknob. What if it's Black? - No, Uncle Moony wouldn't just let him drop in. I turned the knob and standing there was my favourite cousin.

"Hey, Draco." I smiled as I stepped aside to let him. "I was just packing," I said walking over to my room.

"Since when does packing mean pacing?" Draco snickered as he leaned against the door frame of my room. My room was a mixture of being packed up and of clothes and other things scattered around. I was tossing things in a garbage bag to throw out when he spoke, his voice sounded serious. "I know you're worried about your father."

"Don't call him that." I snapped. "I'm sorry, it's just..."

"Professor Lupin is your father." He concluded and I nodded. "I didn't mean that... But it will be okay." He pushed himself off the door frame and walked over, placing his hands on my shoulders. "When he goes to Grimmauld place when he finds out... If you don't want to face him or talk to him, you don't, okay? It is your decision, and your uncle will understand."

I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder. "Thank you. I'm really glad I sat down at your table at the beginning of the year."

"Me too." He squeezed me a little before pulling back, his face was decorated with a frown. "There is something I need to tell you..."

"What is it? What's wrong?" I asked worried. He ran his hand through his hair as he began pacing in front of me, making me even more worried. "Draco?"

"Fuck!" He grunted and turned to me. "There is no easy way to say this..." He took in a deep breath. "Snape let it slip to my father about Lupin's condition." I sucked in a breath. "Seeing that he's on the school board, he'll make sure that he's going to get fired." My eyes were stormy as my breathing became heavier, due to anger. I walked past him as he said. "I'm sorry, I tried to talk to him..."

I turned to look at him, my eyes softening. "It's not your fault, Draco. I'm not mad at you. But I need to find my uncle and Snape." I said the last one with a hiss. "Thanks for warning me." I stepped closer and kissed his cheek.

"Where are you going to stay if he gets fired?"

"I don't know." I frowned. "I guess we have to figure it out by tomorrow night. Draco..."

"Go." He nodded with a sad look. "Better yet, I'll go with you. Snape's my uncle, I want to know what he was thinking." Draco's voice was angry. It surprised me because he was always fond of his uncle. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and walked me out of the room.

But we couldn't find Professor Snape anywhere. We checked the dungeons, the great hall, the teachers' room, everywhere. We ceased our search for the time being, but he wasn't going to get away that easy. We were just on our way back, Draco's arm still around me as I was still shaking with anger.

In front of us, a door opened, and Sirius Black and Remus walked out. But I was talking to Draco about Aunt Cissy, so I hadn't noticed. Neither did Draco, he was laughing at the story I told him, his face looking to the ground while I looked at him with my own grin. When the door closed behind them, I looked up at the sound of the thud. I didn't stop walking, although my body wanted to by the look he was giving me. I know Moony didn't tell him outright that I was his daughter, but from the details, he did give him and by the fact he ordered him to go to Grimmauld, I figured he would've figured it out. Especially if he would really see me, see the likeness I have with him or the aspects I got from my mum. Moony was standing next to him, and I contemplated to drag him away to tell him about Snape but thought better of it. Draco must've felt me stiffen as he stopped laughing and looked at me. When he followed my gaze, he understood.

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