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The Durmstrang kids took place at the Slytherin table, much to the delight of Draco. I rolled my eyes as he grinned at me. For the first time in Ron's life, he kept looking at the Slytherin table in awe. I couldn't look too much at the twins, although I felt their eyes on me. I was happy when the food appeared on the table, I could put my attention on that. Jack had retracted his arm to eat but was sitting close enough that our legs touched. Jack and Jazz were really outgoing, and conversation flowed easily, after about ten minutes even the twins joined in.

"Alec wrote about you." Jazz said looking at the twins, who looked with raised eyebrows between me and her. Jazz's eyes flickered over their features. "Not what I was expecting."

"No?" Their eyebrows went higher until they disappeared under their hair. "What did you expect then?" Fred asked.

I turned my head to look at Jazz, wanting to know where this was going. I mean, yeah, I never told them about their appearance, just that they were incredibly handsome. "Yeah, what did you expect?" I asked.

"I don't know, I just didn't think they would be so-"

"Tall?" Jack offered, grinning.

"Red?" Angelina smirked.

"Ugly?" Lee snickered and the twins threw potatoes at him.

"No, so... white."

I choked on my drink, while the twins looked at her bemused. Jack was gently patting my back. "I'm sorry, white?" I said once I recovered.

"Yeah, the way they carry themselves, the way they look and talk."

I couldn't help but burst out laughing. "You clearly haven't met my cousin."

"Who's your-"

I leaned over to Jazz, and her lavender shampoo hit my nose and pointed to Draco. "He even talks -" I looked to the twins with a tilt of my head. "How do you call it?"

"Big headed?" Fred offered.

"Sesquipedalian?" George grinned.

I smiled at them with a tilted head. "No." I chuckled. "You know what I mean," I turned to Jack. "Zeer chique."

"Posh." Angelina snickered.

"Ja, he talks really posh." I pursed my lips at the twins before looking back at her. "Thank you, Angelina. You two are the worst." I pointed with my fork.

"Oh, you love us for it." They winked. Love. If I didn't do something soon, I would definitely fall in love with them. I rolled my eyes, smiling before turning to Jack.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"I wanted to surprise you." He smiled his pearly whites.

"You certainly did that." I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"The moment has come." Dumbledore was standing in front of the head table, smiling at the room. I lifted my head to look at him, just like the rest of the students. "The Triwizard Tournament is about to start. I would like to say a few words of explanation before we bring in the casket just to clarify the procedure. But first, let me introduce you to -" Dumbledore started explaining who the extra people at the head table were when Jazz nudged me.

"Hey, that redhead, he was at our school last year." She whispered.

"That's Percy, I got him in the exchange program. He's the older brother of Fred and George."

"They will be joining myself, Professor Karkaroff and Madame Maxime on the panel which will judge the champions' efforts. Mr Filch, the casket please." Dumbledore continued.

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