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It was the day of the full moon and Moony had made sure that his lessons of that day were only filled with theory. And even though I was used to the full moon and staying with Moony during the night, it was quite different in a new place, especially if it was filled with students. I made sure he took the last potion that morning, but you could already see the effects of the moon.

He found me that morning still sleeping on the couch and knew immediately that I had been crying. He asked a house elf to get us some breakfast in our room and I told him everything that happened with Jack as he pulled me close to him. Even with the full moon coming, he still took his time to see if I was okay. I wanted to ask him about the picture but thought the better of it. I waited for another time.

So, clearly my head wasn't with the classes and all of my fellow students had noticed. Crazy how they noticed it since they had only known me for a few weeks.

"Hey, you okay?" I felt a nudge against my arm when I was blankly staring in front of me. I shook my head before turning to my left.

"I'm fine, George. Just nervous about the potions exam."

"Are you sure?" He asked, not really convinced. "You can always talk to me, you know."

I smiled at him. "I'm okay, I promise." I gave his hand a squeeze. "Just have to pull through until next month."

"I know you're way ahead of me, but if you need help or just someone to study with..." He offered.

"Thank you, but I don't see you sitting still and quiet for more than thirty minutes."

"It is hard for me, that's true." He grinned. "But if I try hard, I can make it work."

"It's okay. I study better alone anyway." Just then the professor dismissed the class, and I jumped up already stuffing my things into my bag. "I got to go." I kissed his cheek. "See you, George."

When I looked back, I saw George standing there with a stunned expression, his twin coming over to him with the same look. Kissing someone on the cheek wasn't a big deal, at least not for me. That's how we say hello and goodbye to friends and family back home.

I had just walked out of the first corridor when someone stepped up next to me. I looked to my left and saw Emmett Nott walking next to me. His gaze was fixed on the pathway ahead of us as we made our way to the Ancient Runes classroom. We walked in silence and took our usual seats once we reached the classroom. When we sat down, he turned in his seat and looked at me.

"There is something different about you." He stated as I reached down to take my book. I slowly sat up straight and turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

"Excuse me?"

"There is something different about you." He said again.

"Care to enlighten me?"

"Can't put my finger on it, not yet anyway." He said thoughtfully as his eyes stayed on me. "Thought about your favour yet?" He asked as he leaned back in his chair and placed his hands behind his head, looking as casual as one can be.

"Not yet, I don't have a time frame, do I?"

"No." He grinned as he stared at the door as the other students came in. "I'm just curious what it is you're going to ask."

"Me too." I chuckled as I stood up. "Homework?" I asked, pointing at his bag. He let his arms fall from behind his head and bent down to get his homework out of the bag. I reached for it when he held it out, but when I pulled it away, his other hand grabbed me and pulled me closer. Our faces once again inches from one another.

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