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I had my final exam today, so I was enjoying the summer breeze as I sat at the edge of the lake. I have been sitting here since noon, and my company had changed throughout the day. First were Draco, Blaise and Theo, they came by and sat down with me as they went and studied for their last exam tomorrow. Now that it was public knowledge that Nott and I decided to stay friends, Blaise was even more flirty. Draco and I shared a glance, every time he said something flirtatious, and we had a hard time holding back our laughter.

An hour or so after Draco left, Harry and the others had joined us. Hermione had fallen asleep quickly in the warm sun as the boys talked about Quidditch (what else?) Hermione still had two exams to do, while the boys had only one. But I couldn't bring myself to wake Hermione. Even without Divination, she was still overworked from all the classes she was taking. When she was startled awake from the twins' laughter, she chastised us for not waking her up before the three of them took off towards the castle.

"Hey, you." I smiled as George sat down on my right. Fred took a place in front of us, looking a bit... nervous? They both had switched their robes for muggle shorts that reached their knees and a white tee that accentuated their muscles. "What are you two doing out?"

"Celebrating." George winked with a grin.


"Yup." He popped the P. "We're celebrating the end of our OWLs and..." George glanced over to his twin. "Being two very handsome, single men."

"Both of you?" I looked from George to Fred. Fred who had been unusually quiet the entire time, was looking at me with an unreadable expression and gave a single nod. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry? That's bloody amazing news if I say so myself." George chuckled. "Do you mind if we hang out with you for a bit?" Before I could say anything, George laid down next to me on the grass, his hands propped up underneath his head. Fred shifted, so he was lying down next to George in the exact same position. I looked at both of the boys, who had their eyes closed as they enjoyed the sun. Their hair had grown a little over the year, a slight fringe covered their eyes. The way their arms were propped up, showed off their muscles spectacularly. The tight tees didn't make it any better. Despite what I said at the start of the year, these boys, almost men, were handsome. I could look at those faces for days. Their dark hazel eyes, the freckles scattered across their faces, trickling down to their necks. Their broad, strong chest and arms. I think I was nearly drooling as I looked at the sunbathing boys. Like they knew what I was doing, they both had a smirk on their faces but didn't open their eyes.

"Are you just going to sit there? Or are you going to join us, love?" George asked. I rolled my eyes, closed my book and lay down next to him. "Come here, love." He said, pushing his arm under my head and pulling me over him, so I was lying down between the twins.

"De la Barre, George. Warn a girl." I chuckled. I could feel either twin against me. Seeing that my relationship with George had strengthened over the weeks compared to Fred, I curled myself into George, letting my head rest on his chest. If I would've looked up, I would've seen George's surprised face or the hurt in Fred's eyes. When George wrapped an arm around me, I felt Fred shuffle closer. And I reached my free hand out to his, we clasped our hands together. We lay like that for a while, enjoying the sun until it disappeared behind the mountains making the temperature drop, making us go inside.

It was the night of the last full moon of the school year, and I was packing my bag for the night. Remus was still in a meeting with the other professors and would join me soon. Or at least that was what I thought. An hour later, I was still waiting for him to return. I flipped another page of my book as I waited. The clock chimed again, but still no Remus. After the third chime, I threw my book across the room and started pacing. I thought about sending him a Patronus, but what kind of message would that send if he was just enjoying talking to the other professors.

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