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I was impatiently bouncing on my heels at the train station waiting for the train to arrive filled with Hogwarts students returning from the holiday break. I had spent the morning at the Gryffindor tower with Harry and the others, not only for company but also to look for the rat. One of them had been a success, the other... well not so much. I was straining my eyes as far as I could, but still no train. I glanced at my watch and saw that the train was late. The train was never late, Oscar was never late. I started pacing up and down the train station. The grounds around me were clear of snow by now, as the temperature kept rising. Turning around for the umpteenth time, I finally saw the train in the distance, coming closer. I smiled broadly as the train stopped in front of me. The doors opened and the students started filing out. Nope, don't know that one, or that one. I craned my neck to find the people I was looking for. I first saw Angelina pop out, her head already in search of me. I sent up red sparks as other students droned past me. Angelina's eyes found me beneath the sparks, and she pushed herself through the crowd. When she reached me, we wrapped our arms around each other.

"I missed you." We said at the same time. We pulled back grinning at each other, before we turned to the train again, each an arm around each other's waist.

I saw Lee and the twins appear out of the same door as Angelina. The door right behind them, Emmett Nott appeared. The twins and Nott appeared to look around the platform too. And as a creepy coincidence, the three of them found me at the same time, and they all had a large smile on their faces. The twins nearly pushed younger students to the ground trying to get to us. Nott too was making his way to me, but he was stopped by another Slytherin. My gaze went from Nott to the twins who were almost there. Their beaming faces, had me smiling back just as wide. Their arms were already open before they reached me and when they finally did, they enveloped me in their famous and amazing twin hug. It felt amazing being hugged by them.

When I opened my eyes over their shoulders, I saw Nott smiling at me as he was walking towards us. The boys let me go and opened their mouths to say something but before a word was uttered, Nott stepped between them and lifted me up, twirling me around. I laughed as I buried my head in his neck. I saw the others surprised looks when he put me down on the stone tiles and kissed me, in front of everyone. Not just a hello kiss, but a deep and sensual kiss. Even though I knew people were watching, I couldn't help but kiss him back like that. Our first kiss had been on New Year's, and we had a few smaller kisses that night. But now it was a few days later and it felt needed. When I heard some Slytherin's catcall, we pulled apart.

"Hi." I smiled up at him.

"Hi." His smile was wide. He looked at my friends around me before he looked back at me. "I'll let you catch up with your lion friends. I'll see you tonight?"

"Yeah." I nodded with a grin, he leaned down and gave me a short kiss and a wink before he disappeared with the rest of the Slytherins. "Well, uhm." I cleared my throat as I looked at Angelina. "We better get up to the castle, I've been outside too long waiting for you lot."

Angelina looped her arm through mine, and before we even started to walk to the carriages, she started to quiz me. Lee was on Angelina's other side, while the twins were behind me. "I thought you said you hadn't kissed yet."

"Like I told you, we didn't kiss on our date. He was a perfect gentleman, just a kiss on the cheek. But Draco invited him to the New Year's party at the Malfoy Mansion. And he kissed me at midnight." I blushed slightly as Angelina squealed. I heard the twins grumble behind me, and I turned to look at them. They both had frowns on their faces as they looked at the ground. I let Angelina's arm go and squished myself between them. While I wrapped my arms around them, Lee threw his arm around Angelina's shoulder. "Don't worry, no one can replace you two knuckleheads. I weirdly became attached to the two of you."

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