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     Blake looks around Coach Sylvester's office, observing all of the weird things she keeps in there. She notices a lot of trophies, an expensive blender, and an unnatural amount of magazines with her face on it.

"Ladies, what we have here is a grade-A dilemma." The cheerleading coach looks at Mercedes, Blake and Kurt. " Mercedes, your vocal cords have had more fantastic runs than a Kenyan track team but that look simply will not do. At first I thought it was a subtle homage to yours truly but now I fear it's some sort of ironic comment."

"Ms. Sylvester, I'm just not comfortable in those Cheerios skirts. They don't fit me right." Mercedes says.

"Mercedes you shouldn't feel embarrassed by your body." Kurt looks at his best friend, comforting her.

"Yeah, you're gorgeous, and have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of." Blake smiles.

"Ashamed?" The girl laughs, "No, no. I'm worried about showing too much skin and causing a sex riot."

All three teens laugh at their friends' comments. "How do you three not have a show on Bravo?" Sue looks at the students, not understanding their dynamic. "Here's the skinny. Splits magazine, after much campaigning by one Sue Sylvester has named me cheerleading coach of the last 2,000 years. In seven days reporter Tracy Pendergrass will arrive on campus and my new star singer will have lost 10 pounds and be in a gender-appropriate cheerleading uniform or she is off the team." Sue looks at Mercedes firmly.

"Ten pounds? Are you serious?" Kurt looks at his coach like she's crazy.

"You could lose a few too, kiddo. You got hips like a pear." She's says, nodding her head at Kurt.

"That's kind of unreasonable, Coach Sylvester." Blake states, "Don't you think you'll get extra brownie points if you show the magazine you have a squad that accepts all shapes and sizes?" The brunette tries to reason with the cheerleading coach.

Sue looks the girl up and down and forms her lips in a tight line, "I have nothing negative to say about you." She pauses, "This has never happened before." The four sit in an awkward silence, until the coach eventually moves on from her lack of negativity towards Blake. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to put in a call to the Ohio secretary of state notifying them I will no longer be carrying photo I. D. You know why?" She asks, standing up, "People should know who I am"

The trio gets up and leaves the Coach's office and Blake can't help but notice the change in Mercedes attitude. She sends a look over to Kurt which he reciprocates with a nod.

"Mercedes, look at me." Blake says softly. "You do not have to lose weight. You are beautiful just the way you are, and if Sue doesn't want to take you that way, we'll quit."

Mercedes looks at the brunette girl, "No. I want to be on the Cheerios. This is the first time I've felt seen. It's not gonna kill me to eat a little healthier. I'll be fine." She dismisses, "Now let's get to glee rehearsals before Mr. Schue has another fit about us being late because of Cheerios."

The three laugh and make their way over to the choir room. They walk in and head their separate ways, Blake takes a seat in the front that nobody has occupied yet, and the other two head to the middle row.

Blake adjusts her high ponytail, then reaches in her backpack to take out her songbook. She finally finished her previous song to which she titled Turn Up The Music, and now she's working on a new song, the title... TBD.

She slowly writes the chorus in her notebook, not having everything figured out yet.

I keep my eyes wide open
Bless this ground unbroken
I'm about to make my way
Heaven help me keep my faith
And my eyes wide open

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