Props 3x20

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     "Finn, stop!" Blake giggles loudly as she watches her boyfriend stick his finger in the cookie batter they're making. "You've already eaten like half the bowl."

"I have not." He responds defensively. "I've only had three bites."

Blake crosses her arms over her chest, covering her apron that has the cheesy line Kiss the Chef written on it. Finn watches as her eyebrows draw closer and he begins to feel more intimidated.

"Fine." He huffs. "I've had a lot."

"I know you have." Blake smiles, coming closer to him. "The remnants of your crime are still attached to your face." She smirks as she wipes off the little bit of dough attached to his cheek.

Finn smirks, "It's not my fault you're the best baker in the world." He grabs her by the waist, swaying them back and forth. "You created this monster." The boy laughs, gesturing to himself.

"My Cookie Monster?" Blake raises an amused eyebrow.

"Your Cookie Monster." He confirms, leaning in for a kiss while simultaneously taking another finger full of dough.

He plops the dough in his mouth once more, making Blake roll her eyes, "Do you want to have cookies on the bus ride to Nationals?" Finn nods rapidly. "Then stop eating the dough!" She laughs. "At this rate we'll have maybe one whole cookie by the time we're done."

Finn juts his bottom lip out, pouting. "Can't you just make another batch? This is really good."

"You do realize there are raw eggs in that right?" She looks at him amused. "You know, the kind that can give you salmonella."

"Salma-what?" He looks at her confused.

"Something that can make you super sick." She explains. "I promise, I'll make you an edible batch of cookie dough for the bus ride. But you have to let me finish the actual cookies first."

Finn childishly rolls his eyes while placing his hands on her hips. He kisses her forehead with a defeated sigh. "Fine." He groans out in annoyance.

Blake chuckles, "While I do love your whining, I need you to grab some of the baking sheets off the top shelf."

Finn grins happily as he effortlessly reaches up, retrieving the item she asked for. "Here you go my love."

"Thank you." Blake smiles, pecking his lips. "Now get back to work. You're my sous chef for a reason." She says, smacking his butt.

"Hey." He calls out. "At least take me out to dinner first."

Blake raises an eyebrow, "Last I checked, I'm making you cookies and cookie dough." She crosses her arms. "So I have full access to all of this." She gestures up and down to his body. "With consent of course."

"You always have consent." Finn replies, sprinkling more chocolate chips into the batter.

Blake watches him fondly as she pictures their future together, "I love you."

Finn looks up at her with a half smile, "I love you too."

             ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗


Everyone in the choir room bubbled with a certain level of excitement as Mr. Schue turns to look at them with a wide smile. They've worked long and hard to get to this point. They'll all be damned if this opportunity slips through their fingers one more time. It's also going to be much easier now that Rachel and Blake are getting along, as well as the shorter brunette no longer being in love with Finn was an added bonus.

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