The Dead I Live With (Chapter 9)

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After finding out that Kain would help me, I wolfed down the rest of my breakfast, and returned to my room. Running down the hall, I wondered if anyone could tell what I was thinking. I doubted it, but wondered all the same.

Kain was hot on my tail. I got to my room, and Kain entered behind me, closing the door behind him.

“Ava, is this really worth it?” Kain asked, and I nodded.

I couldn’t tell him the real reason that I needed to get out of camp.

I hid my arm behind me, and tried to look normal. I’d been scratched, so the effects must be starting to take place. If I was out of camp, no-one would get hurt; at least that was the plan. If I didn’t return, people would assume I’d been eaten or infected, or worse, both.

“Yeah, I can’t wear those awful puffy dresses; it goes against everything I believe in”

“Ava, it’s the apocalypse, I don’t suppose religion or beliefs exist anymore” Kain reminded me, and I punched him in the shoulder.

“I’m serious. Look, will you look after Isu too? I’ve already lost one dog, I don’t want to lose another”

Kain looked like he really didn’t want too, so I had to pull out all the stops.

“I’ll bring you back anything you want,” I promised him “Within reason”  I added, after seeing vision of zombies eating my brains because of a dishwasher or a plasma screen TV holding me back.

“Fine, I’ll look after the dog. Just bring us back some decent music for the party, and a packet of crisps”

“What flavour?” I joked

“Barbeque” He replied, serious.

I sighed but agreed.

“Done, can you go get me those bullets and gun now please? I wanna get some sleep, and I gotta go and lie to Stark. Just put the stuff in the black bag on my desk. Thanks, Kain”

Kain and I walked out the room together, and we stood awkwardly outside the door.

“I’ll go now” Kain told me.

Before he left, I kissed his cheek, grateful.

“That’s if I don’t see you again. Thank you Kain, for everything”

With that, I turned my back and walked towards Stark’s office, feeling hopeful.

“Thanks for inviting me to your party. I just know it’s going to be awesome!” I flattered, and Stark smiled at me.

Stark was wrapped around my little finger.

“Yes, it will be a grand event. Karaoke is being decided in a few days, I hope you get the songs you like!” Stark took a  sip out of a flask, and I knew it wasn’t water in there.

“Where did you get the whisky?” I asked, and Stark chuckled.

“Had it a while my dear. All out of Jimmy Mall’s cigars though. What did you really come here for?”

“Okay, this is a little embarrassing. It’ time of the month” I lied, and Stark’s eyes became very wide, and his eyebrows reached the top of his head.

“Oh. OH! I understand. Well, this is a male army, so we don’t have....the”

“I know! That’s why I came here to suggest that I stay in my room for a few days, a week at the most. Would that be okay?”

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