Chapter 68: Amour Reunion

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After his victory against Bea earlier in the night, Ash quickly dashes his way to his room at the pokemon centre.

As soon as he makes it to his room, he takes out his Rotom phone and calls his mom via a video call.

You see, Ash is having a little bit of a panic right now. Straight after his battle, he was trying to check on how Serena was through their aura connection. However, things didn't really go as he'd like considering he was unable to establish any form of connection.

Usually, this just means that Serena is asleep, but considering what happened with Hunter J earlier makes Ash feel a little panicked.

Pikachu sits on his trainer's shoulder, trying to calm him down as the phone rings. After a few seconds, the phone stops ringing as a familiar face appears on the screen.

Ash instantly places a concerned look on his face as he yells "Mom! Is Serena okay!"

Upon hearing her son shout so loud, Delia places a less than impressed look on her face as she raises her finger to her lips and whisper shouts "Shhhhhhhhh!!!!"

Ash sweat drops a little as his mother's reaction as he nervously scratches the back of his head. Delia lets off a small tut at her son's lack of thought as she points the camera down to show why he needs to quiet. As she does, Ash breaths a sigh of relief as he sees his Girlfriend. Serena lays fast asleep with her head on Delia's lap, lightly snoring as the Kantonian native gently smooths her short honey blonde hair.

Ash smiles a little as he exclaims in a grateful tone "Thanks for taking care of her mom."

Delia shakes her head a little and replies "It's no problem son, the poisoning in her body has gone so she's just left with the dreariness of the gas. A few hours sleep and she should be as good as new."

Ash smiles a little brighter as he remarks "That's such a relief. I was so worried about her and thought that she was going to be so much worse. Sorry for getting Greninja to wake you up like that by the way. You were the first person I thought to help so I just acted without thinking."

Delia smiles at her son as she replies in a dismissive tone "Its okay Ash, I'm used to being woken up in the middle of the night anyway."

Ash raises an eyebrow in concern and confusion as he questions "Really? Why's that?"

Delia lets off a quiet giggle before she explains "It's something that you get used to when you become a mother. You see as a baby you'd wake me up all the time crying. Then when you got older, you'd wake up sometimes with bad dreams or with illness. Overtime, you get used to the slight feeling of exhaustion."

Ash takes in his mother's point and scratches his head nervously as he apologises "Sorry about that."

Delia shakes her head and exclaims "You don't need to apologise, I would do it all again in a heartbeat for you Ash. I'm so proud of the young man you've become."

Ash beams a genuine smile at his first supporter as he replies "Thanks mom, and I'm grateful to have you too."

The two smile at each other for a second as their appreciation for one and other shines through. The unspoken bond between a mother and her son is on full display, and it always will be no matter how old Ash gets.

After a few seconds, Ash takes a sigh before he exclaims "Well, I guess now that Serena is asleep you can go back to bed too."

Delia lets off a small giggle as she replies "Oh I will, but I need to wait for this little cutie to go to bed too."

The older woman turns her camera to the right, to show baby Pikachu sat next to her. The young electric type sits with her dummy in her mouth, watching a kids cartoon on the tv while cuddling into her Eevee plushie that Serena gave her to borrow.

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