Chapter 94: A Day To Relax and Celebrate

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The hours after beating Lance and becoming champion of three regions have been a whirlwind for Ash to say the least.

Of course following the match the mood in the whole camp was nothing short of amazing, and no level of media or ridiculous questions could change that.

Of course after heading down the tunnel, Ash's first port of call was to attend to some of those media duties. Not wanting to drag everyone with him, he instructed the rest of the gang apart from Serena to go and get themselves ready to celebrate while they deal with the usual media shenanigans.

In truth Ash kind of wanted to let Serena go too as to not put her through the pain of another press conference. After all she'd had enough media attention this week to last her a lifetime. However, after what had happened recently there was no way she was going to leave him alone with the vultures that some journalists can be.

Plus, Serena was too dam proud of her boyfriend to let him go. She just wanted to cuddle him and appreciate him after how much he's been through over the last few days. Not to mention she'd been away from him for hours during the battle, and that is simply too long.

During the press conference she just found herself hugging his arm and laying her head on his shoulder, not caring at all where she was. As far as she's concerned she couldn't care less what headlines they write today. Nothing can overshadow the achievement that Ash just made his own.

Once the press conference ends, they both return to Ash's champion level dressing room for some alone time. For about 30 minutes they just sit cuddled up together on the sofa, taking in all that just happened.

They take the moment to reflect and be together, sharing a few kisses and letting their thoughts leave their mind as they talk about everything that happened today. Talking about the battle afterwards is something Ash as likes to do, and Serena loves hearing the inside details from her man.

They both give each other a few minutes of just each other before it's eventually time to get ready to join their friends and family. Ash takes a quick shower and changes into a pair of smart jeans and a white shirt. Meanwhile Serena touches up on her make up before she changes into a royal blue dress that suits her down to a tee.

Once they are ready, the two exit the stadium through the celebrity entrance while many pictures are snapped of them from the paparazzi. They smile and wave while holding hands before they make it to Serena's limo as the driver takes them away from the stadium.

He drives them over to a fancy restaurant in a part of town where only those from high class society can really reach. They both head inside the restaurant to find the rest of the gang already sat there waiting for them.

They all sit down as they prepare to enjoy a well deserved feast together. Everybody is obviously dressed up too, with this place being as fancy as it is.

Ash and Gary soon proceed to order everything on the menu, much to the surprise of the staff waiting who comment about their large appetites. Obviously the gang aren't surprised at all about their food eating antics, knowing all about their tendency to become Snorlax's. That doesn't change once the food arrives, with them both having no problems demolishing everything they've ordered.

Serena can't help but giggle as she watches her boyfriend eat like a hungry child. Usually she would scold him for eating in such a way at a high class establishment, but today she can't bring herself to do so. Of course Gary is just being a pig, but Ash deserves this meal for how hard he's worked today. That's not to mention that fact he's not eaten properly since breakfast. The poor boy must be starving, and Serena doesn't have the heart to tell him to slow down. If he's allowed to be piggish on any day then it's today.

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