Chapter 37: The Student Meets The Teacher.

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After the round of 16 matchups where Ash defeated Ilima in spectacular fashion. Mallow invites: Ash, Serena, Lillie, Gladion and Kiawe, to her family restaurant to celebrate their quarter final birth. The 6 of them sit around table as they enjoy an evening meal.

Ash takes a fork full of food and exclaims with excitement "Man this food is good!"

Mallow smiles and replies "Of course it's good Ash, it's my family's restaurant after all."

Ash scratches the back of his head nervously and laughs "Yeah sorry, I forgot." The raven haired boy takes another fork full of food and speeds up his eating pace to Ninjask levels.

Serena looks at her boyfriend and remarks with a little authority in her tone "Ash you little Munchlax, slow down before you give yourself indigestion."

Ash shakes his head and responds says  "Sorry babe but I need all this food for my battle tomorrow, I won't be able to concentrate if I'm hungry. Plus the sooner I finish the sooner we can get back to creating our strategy"

Ash continues to scoff down food in an impress manner. Serena sighs and says quietly to no one in particular "Same as always, rushing food down so there's more time for strategy."

Lille turns to her brother and suggests "You should do the same big brother, Ule is a tough opponent to go up against."

Gladion smirks and responds "He might be strong but I'll win, I know I will."

Mallow smirks back and teases "Your confident. You may be a good trainer but don't underestimate my brother."

Gladion shakes his head and replies  "I know, but me and Ash promised each other  a battle to settle the score. So I'm going to win to make sure that happens."

Ash smirks and exclaims "You bet we will! Although, I've still got to beat you Kiawe and I know that won't be easy. You've watched me battle more than most of my competitors. Most of my trick you've see first hand.

Kiawe nods and replies "That's right, I've trained really hard for this Ash. No matter happens let's agree to do our best."

Ash nods and exclaims "You bet!" The two shake hands on the deal before they go back to their food.

Ash continues to eat like a complete pig shoving as much food down his throat as possible. Eventually he bites off more than he can chew and finds his wind pipe completely clogged. He coughs before he starts to choke. Everyone at the table hears Ash's struggle and stops eating.

Serena stands up with a pissed off look on her face and screams "ASHTON ARRON KETCHIM WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT EATING TOO FAST!!!!"

Most guys would be scared out of their boots right now but not Ash. Internally he is but he's kind of preoccupied with choking.

Serena waits for a response but doesn't get one. Her face turns from annoyed to concern when she realises Ash actually needs help. She quickly moves her chair closer and sits down next to her boyfriend. She rubs and pats his back in a comforting manner before taking a glass of water and slowly pouring it into his throat. Everyone else around the table laughs as Ash continues to struggle. Eventually Serena helps Ash enough to the point where he actually manages to swallow his food.

Ash takes a deep breath of air before he weakly smiles at his girlfriend. He coughs before he states "Thanks Serena, I needed that."

Serena takes a sigh of relief as a small smile creeps on her face. She replies in a sweet tone "It's okay Ash." However her face soon turns into a frown as she scolds "Now slow down when your eating okay? You don't need to eat everything at once. I promise you no ones going to steal your food. Now what do you have to say for yourself?"

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