Chapter 5: Ash vs Ilima

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After a another day off travelling the gang has made it to verdant cavern for Ash's first island trial.

The day before was eventful to say the least. During their travels our group off 4 decided to lake a lunch break on the outskirts off the cavern. However as the group were preparing lunch a group off wild Salandit's attacked forcing the group to fight back.

During the battle the wild Salandit's outmatched. They all gathered together to use a poison gas attack to trap everyone in a poison gas. Upon Ash's instructions the group decided to retreat to avoid being poisoned but the decreased visibility caused them all to become separated.

Ash ended up on his own with nebby and bounsweet. Kiawe ended up with Pikipeck. Mallow ended up with Turtonator and Lille found herself alone with Pikachu.

Kiawe and Mallow were able to find their way back to eachover with relative ease where as for Lillie and Ash things were less straightforward. Ash found himself surrounded by 3 Salandit's with two Pokémon with no battling history. Therefore as decided to battle the Salandit's himself using his full move set off tackle low kick head but and mega punch to keep everyone safe.

In a similar way Pikachu ended up playing protectors to a petrified Lille. Pikachu managed to guide the two through a forest but found themselves running into more Salandit's. Pikachu protected Lille and fought them off, with his electricity helping the rest off the group find their way towards each other.

Pikachu managed to win the battle but ended up becoming badly poisoned and was unable to move. Lille seeing how hurt Pikachu was and how hard he thought to protect her realised that Pikachu just wanted to be her friend and didn't have any bad intentions. She gathered up all her courage for the first time pick up the yellow mouse pokemon and slowly petted him.

The rest off the group found Lille with Pikachu in her arms and smiled. Ash especially was super proud off her and they all gave her their congratulations while also curing Pikachu off his poison.

Afterwards they ran back into the remaining group off Salandit's and their leader. Kiawe challenged the leader to a battle and won successfully capturing his first Pokémon. The group then resumed their travel and after a quick stop to camp out for the night they find themselves right at the front entrance to Ash's first ever Island trial.

Ash stops at the entrance to the trial area putting his head down towards the floor and talking a deep breath. He raises his head back up and smirks. He says "This is it Pikachu our first ever island trial." Pikachu jumps his fist with determination and shouts "pika pika."

Observing from behind mallow says "well Ash certainly seems confident." Kiawe adds "he has reason to be this guy has competed in leagues across the world, I'm sure he's got this." Lille says with concern "I hope he's not overconfident." Ash turns around and smiles at the group. He says "don't worry about us we'll be okay."

Ash takes one last breath before he walks into verdant cavern. Once he enters he looks around to see a massive cavern with a battlefield in the middle. Ash smirks and steps onto the battlefield he flexes his z ring and says "I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet town and I'm here to win my first z crystal." After a moment off silence a voice echoes from through the cavern. "Greetings challenger."

Suddenly a well dressed man with like brown skin and pinkish hair appears from the other side off a small cave and takes his place on the battlefield opposite Ash. The trial captain exclaims "my name is Ilima the normal type trial captain.

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