Chapter 12: Ash vs Lana

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A further week of travelling later Ash and the gang finally make it to Brocklet hill. Nothing really notable happens on their way here apart from the usual training and everyday shenanigans. The gang stand outside the gates to the trial area as Ash takes a deep breath.

"We're finally here," he says as they reach the gate. Kiawe puts a hand on Ash's shoulder and says "you sure your ready." Ash smirks and says "I'm always ready." The group shake their heads as Ash heads inside followed closely by the rest of the group.

Ash opens the gates and gazes inside. He looks closely at the battlefield and notices that it's a in a rocky area but the battlefield it's self is of pure water with only a few dozen platforms for Pokémon of other types to jump from. Ash knows having no water type Pokémon could be a disadvantage in a terrain like this but just a glance at the battlefield gives him a few ideas of how he can turn this into his advantage.

He looks up from the battlefield itself and to the other side where a blue haired girl a few years younger than himself stands. "I've been expecting you Ash Ketchum." The girl says with a small smirk. Ash tilts his head in confusion and says "how do you know who I am." The girl shrugs and says "your known for many things but the only one I care about is that your the trainer who took 3 kids out of school for a journey around Alola."

Ash shrugs and says "yeah I did but why would you care about that." The blue haired girl says "because you've done something that i admire and gone against the Alola system just like me." Mallow raises an eyebrow and says "just like you." The blue haired trainer says "I was told that school was the only way but I thought different. I went against the wishes of my elders and became the youngest ever trial captain. That is why I am known as Lana the water type rebel."

Ash shrugs and says " I never went against anyone's wishes I just did what I thought was right. But I'm not here to get into politics I'm here to challenge you for the waterium z." Lana smirks and says in response "you want to get right down to business huh. Very well I accept your challenge please step onto the battlefield."

Ash nods and steps into his trainer box with Pikachu on his shoulder. The rest of his companions make their way into the stands as the referee speaks. "This will be a 3v3 battle between the trial captain Lana and the Challenger Ash Ketchum from pallet town. The battle will be concluded when either sides pokemon are unable to battle. Trainers please send out your first Pokémon.

Lana takes a pokeball from her pocket and holds it in the air. She throws it forward and shouts "Dewpider your up." The pokeball lands and a small bug like Pokémon emerges from it. Ash tilts his head and says "who's that Pokémon." He scans it with his Pokédex and reveals that it's Dewpider a bug and water type pokemon. Ash raises his eyebrow and says "a bug and water type huh." He takes a pokeball off his belt and throws it forward while he shouts "Litten I choose you."

Litten lands on the battlefield and purrs at his opponent. In the stands Lille tilts her head and says "a fire type against a water type trainer." Kiawe nods and says "while it may be strange it's not unheard of, I'm sure Ash has a plan."

Back on the field Lana says "that's a bit of a rebellious move using a fire type against a water type." Ash pumps his fist and says "it's just a gut feeling." He looks down at Litten and says "this is our first battle Litten let's make sure to give it everything we got." Litten nods and says "Lit ten Lit." The referee steps in and says "both trainers ready." Both trainers look at each other and nod. "In that case let the battle begin."

Lana uses the first move of the battle as she shouts Dewpider "use bubble." Dewpider nods and opens his mouth and shoots a ray of bubbles towards Litten. Ash puts his hand forward and shouts "Dodge it." Litten nods and runs forward gaining a head of steam while moving side to side to dodge the incoming attack.

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