Chapter 63: Ash vs Kabu

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The next day, Ash and Hop wake up bright and early as they get ready for another big day ahead. They do their usual morning routines before they both head straight to Motorstoke city stadium for Ash's 2nd Galar preseason match.

After separating at the gate again, Hop heads straight for the stands to take his seat, while Ash heads straight for the tunnel as he awaits the start of the battle.

The stands soon fills up with spectators, as they all brew in anticipation of the Alola champion's second appearance on Galarian soil. The atmosphere continues to build as Ash stands in the tunnel with a few goosebumps on his arms. The raven haired trainer is absolutely buzzing with excitement, and is ready to give some of his new Pokémon a chance to show him what their made of. Today will be a battle for learning, and she's excited to see what it'll bring.

The fans in the stadium quiet down slightly as the announcer begins "Good afternoon Pokémon league fans, and welcome to another Galar league preseason match here in Motorstoke city!"

The crowd roar loudly in approval as they await the arrival of the two trainers. The announcer lets the applause die for a second before he continues "Now first introducing, our very own Motorstoke city gym leader. The fire type phenomenon himself. Please welcome, Kabu!"

The crowd cheers loudly as Kabu makes his way out of the tunnel opposite to Ash. He walks down to his spot on the battlefield with purpose,  looking unfazed and unnerved. He takes his place and stands arms folded, waiting for his opponents introduction with a stone cold look on his face.

Ash watches Kabu's mannerisms and can already tell that he's going to a serious trainer. This won't be as easy as his battle against Milo. Kabu has an expression of a man that simply doesn't want to lose. That's just the type of trainer Ash was hoping to face today. A trainer experienced and determined enough to give him a real challenge.

Ash's snapped out his thoughts as the announcer shouts "Now introducing, the Alola champion and the man claimed to be the over whelming favourite for todays match. Please welcome, Ash Ketchum from Pallet town!"

The crowd erupts into loud cheers as Ash exits the tunnel. He places a friendly smile on his face as him and Pikachu wave to the crowd, taking everything in as they experience another electrifying greeting by the Galarian public.

In the Alola region, Serena watches through aura vision from her usual spot on the beach. However this time, she has a partner to share the experience with. Absol watches with her as she connects her aura to Serena, allowing her to see exactly what Serena is seeing too.

The Kalos queen places a loving smile on her face as she watches her boyfriend enter the stadium. She giggles a little as she lovingly sighs and admits "I love his silly little dumb grin so much. He's just so handsome and cute at the same time. My heart is juts so happy seeing him happy."

Absol rolls her eyes a little at her loved up trainer, having clearly heard her gush over her boyfriend all morning.

Meanwhile, Ash makes it to his side of the battlefield as he stands in his trainer's box. He looks over at his opponent and locks eyes with him as Kabu stares back.

Ash decides to greet people the way he always does as he smiles and exclaims "Hey, my names Ash Ketchum from Pallet town. This here is my buddy Pikachu."

Pikachu waves a hand from Ash's shoulder and let's off a happy "Pika!"

Ash smiles at his first Pokémon as he continues "I'm here to battle one of Galar's oldest and strongest gym leaders. I'm hoping you'll be a great test to see exactly where me and my Pokémon are at. This is a battle that I'm looking forward to."

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