Chapter 25: The Final Challenge and the Final Preparation.

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Giovanni sits in his big office chair while twisting around a pokeball in his hands. He smirks at the pokeball and says "It's good to have you back." Suddenly he gets a knock on his door that diverts his attention away from his pokeball. "Come in," Giovanni bellows with putting a hand on his ever trusty Persian. Suddenly the door creaks open as Guzma strides in and takes a seat on a smaller chair opposite Giovanni.

"You wanted to see me." The team skull leader questions." Giovanni chuckles and says "Yes Guzma, I require your assistance for my research you see." Guzma raises his eyebrow and asks "What assistance and for what research." Giovanni says "Why I need you is unimportant. What I need you to do however, is of the upmost importance." Guzma sighs and replies "Fine Giovanni what is it you want."

Giovanni chuckles before grabbing a tablet off the table and passing it to Guzma. Upon seeing the image on the tablet Guzma raises an eyebrow and asks "A girl? What's so important about her." Giovanni chuckles lightly and says "Everything about her is very important to our ultimate plan. Either way she's going to make the most powerful human in the world once I get what I need."

Guzma, not really understanding Giovanni's cryptic language asks "You want us to capture her right." Giovanni thinks for a moment before he grins deviously and says "Ideally yes, however Guzma I am not a fool. I understand that she will have some form of protection. Ketchum will never be so stupid as to leave her vulnerable."

Guzma raises his eyebrow again and remarks with surprise "She is involved with Ketchum." Giovanni chuckles and says "Everything we do is always related to Ketchum my dear friend." Hearing that the girl in question has connections to Ash is all Guzma needs to be sold on the idea. He grins and says "We'll get her don't worry. Where is she."

Giovanni smiles and says "Hoenn." Guzma almost falls off his chair and asks "Isn't that Archie and Maxie's domain." Giovanni shrugs and remarks "Usually it would be but they are busy with other tasks that need attending to. Plus their grunts will stand out like a sore thumb."

Guzma nods in agreement and replies "Okay what do you want us to do." Giovanni smirks and answers "The girl will be most vulnerable at the Hoenn grand festival 3 days from now. I would like you to send in your best guys undercover and try to take her as suitably as possible with no hints what so ever. That means no logos, we can not be discovered too early so do this with no mention of any evil organisation."

Guzma takes in the request and stands up from his chair. "Consider it done sir." With that Guzma takes his leave and exits the room. After Guzma takes the tablet and says with an evil grin on his face "I don't care who it is but one of you two aura freaks is giving me the power I desire."


3 days later

Serena's POV

I slowly stir as the sound of my alarm clock bellows through out my room. I slam my hand on the stop button and sit up as I rub my eyes. I groggily check the time and my messages on my tablet when I realise something. Today is the day!

How could I forget today is the day of the grand festival! I spring out of bed and draw my curtains as I take in a deep breath of fresh air. The morning Hoenn air so fresh as usual. I look out at the city blow and shout "Good morning world! Today is the day I win the Hoenn grand festival!"!

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