Chapter 57: Trouble At The Masterclass!

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We return where we left off as Ash and Gary run backstage trough the twisty, winding corridors. As they run, they make the decision to split up and take two separate approaches.

Gary heads towards the main corporate offices, to see if he can find some more information about what's going on here and what the exact plan is.

Meanwhile, Ash takes the direct approach of going straight to Serena's locker room, to protect her at all costs.

Ash takes off through the corridors at full speed with Pikachu clinging onto his shoulder. He grits his teeth as he thinks to himself "I'm coming Serena, hold on just a little longer."

As Ash continues to run, he rounds a corner and notices a wide open door with two voices echoing into the hallways. Ash makes a quick decision as he stops by the doorway and hides to eavesdrop on the conversation.

As he look inside, he spots two men in suits sat at a coffee table while sipping on their beverages. One guy with brown hair tilts his his head a little as he questions "So, do you think the plan will work?"

An older man with grey hair puts on a knowing smirk and exclaims "It's already has worked, soon she'll be the queen and we'll be rich. Pokémon showcases have never been so rewarding before today."

The brown haired guy chuckles a little as he replies "I hope so. The boss is going to convince her to sign the contract now then right?"

The grey haired guy smirks and states in a confident tone "Yep, with her injuries she'll be too desperate not to accept. She'll do it without even realising what she's signing up for."

The brown haired guy raises an eyebrow and further questions "But what if she doesn't. What if she's stronger than we think?"

The grey haired guy takes a sip of his coffee before he exclaims "Would you relax already. We have other ways of convincing her. Let's just say we might have to get bit physical and
rough her up a little. If that doesn't work, then we threaten her with the things she fears most. Our sponsor gave us pretty good intel and we know what buttons to push. We can use all of that against her if it comes to it."

The brown haired guy chuckles a little at how fool proof this plan seems to be as he replies with a sinister smirk "You know, she's such a pretty thing that Serena. If this contract means she can no longer date that dork Ash. Then I wouldn't mind putting my name forward."

The grey haired guy shakes his head and exclaims with an evil grin "Get in line son. Once she signs the contract, we get to choose those sort of aspects of her life. Who she sees is up to us."

The two laugh maniacally, finding the manipulation all so funny as their cackles echo down the hallway.

Hiding just behind the door recording the whole conversation, Ash grits his teeth as a fire burns bright in his eyes. He clenches his fists so hard that they threaten to pierce his skin, as he whispers to himself "So you are planning on taking advantage of her kindness. You are planning on ruining her life. Your trying to turn her dream she's worked so hard for into a nightmare. Well, your worst nightmare is coming. I'm going to hurt every single one of them. I'm going to crack bones and break teeth.
No one ruins this for her. No one!"

Pikachu stands next to Ash with anger on his face as his cheeks spark with electricity. He's ready to put as many volts possible into every single one of these guys with no restraint possible.

Ash's eyes flash a shade of purple as he goes to step into the room to handle these two grunts personally. However as he does, his Rotom phone buzzes in his pocket.

He snaps back to reality as his eyes return back to their usual shade of auburn. Ash takes the phone out of his pocket and looks at the name on the screen.

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