Chapter 19: Wedding Bells Ringing

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Serena's POV

How the hell did I end up in this situation. Desperately trying to keep my emotions in check while my loved one is in life threatening danger.

Seeing Ash in such peril. Afraid to jump, close to giving up. I knew what I had to do. I poured my heart out to him, I told told him everything from the heart while I desperately tried to keep the tears in my eyes. I had to stay strong for him.

Thankfully words seemed to get through to him and I noticed him trying to hold back tears of his own. Ash knows me better than I know myself. He must know how upset I am right now. If there's one thing Ash hates it's seeing my sad face.

Never the less my words seem to work as his body surges with a bright blue aura. Under different circumstances I would be in awe at such a majestic site. However right now I'm more worried than anything. I know how fast our connection can break once one of us communicates through aura. I may still be new to this but I can't help but think that if I break my connection now then Ash will lose his powered up aura as well. I can't let that happen.

I close my eyes and squeeze my pillow harder as I maximise my concentration. No way am I breaking up now, I can't let that happen. Ash runs and leaps forward. He leaps well and I feel a smile start to form on my cheeks. Ash is going to make it, he's actually going to make. However suddenly I start to feel super dizzy and my vision starts to fade. No, no, no, no, no! Not now please!

I try to keep our connection but it's useless as my head spins round and round and my vision completely fades. The last sight I can barley make out as Ash starts to descend towards a bottomless pit all because of me.

My vision returns as I sit up in my Pokémon centre room and pant heavily. My head spins. Ash was falling falling to his death. This can't be, I can't lose Ash. I feel tears fill up as my vision blurs. I .....can't....believe I don't even know what happened. Is he he not. Oh Ash why.

I try collect my thoughts but thinking just makes things worse. I don't know what to do what to believe. I have no idea if my love made it or not. I breath heavier and heavier as tears stream down my face. Suddenly my breathing becomes so heavy that my chest aches as my heart threatens to explode. I quickly realise I'm having a panic attack.

I try desperately to catch my breath but my thoughts won't allow me as Ash is the only thing that my mind can focus on. I need some air desperately so I get off my bed and just run. I ignore nurse joy on my way past as I charge out of the pokemon centre as tears stain my face. I find myself running until I reach the pier where I catch my breath staring at the waves. I take a deep sigh as the waves seem to calm me slightly. There's nothing I can do now but pray. Pray to every legend out there that Ash makes it home safe. Please Ash make it home for me.


After the chaotic events with Lusamine Ash and the professors return to their house. They are all sat down eating food at a dinner table while all of Ash's pokemon are out of their pokeballs as well sitting around eating. Kukui says "Wow, so our little friend Rockruff evolved into dusk form Lycanroc. That's amazing, it's actually the first time I've seen one in all my time studying pokemon." Ash nods and says "Yeah, me and Lycanroc worked hard to get stronger together that's how we managed to trigger it's evolution."
Burnet chuckles "Ash, why is it everytime we speak to you something unseen happens."

Ash scratches his head and says "I really don't know I guess that's just being me." Burnet smiles and says "Yeah, never stop being you Ash. That's what Nebby told you right."

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