Chapter 85: Indigo League Final Rumble Part 2: Putting Our Differences Aside

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We start right where we left off as Ash walks towards the crowd with a a neutral sort of look on his face. Obviously he isn't too pleased about being behind at this stage of the battle, but he's also not worried about it either. There's still plenty to play for, and plenty of surprises to come.

As Ash reaches the crowd, he leans over the barrier to talk to the rest of the gang like he always does during the half time break at the indigo league.

Almost instantly, Serena dives forward as she places her hands on her boyfriend's shoulders. Her eyes fill with concern as she questions apprehensively "Are you okay?"

Ash smiles back at Serena reassuringly and simply replies "Never better, it's a difficult but fun battle out there just like I expected. There's no reason why I shouldn't be okay."

Serena takes a small sigh as she exclaims "I need to apologise, for my dance strategy with Totodile not working as I planned. I didn't realise that a move like cotton spore would completely counter it."

Ash frowns a little at Serena's statement before he replies with a hint of sternness behind his voice "Listen beautiful, I don't want you thinking like that or being negative in any way. Your strategy was awesome and helped me take out Harrison's Steelix and weaken his Ampharos. As far as I'm concerned, I owe you a little something for coming up with something so awesome. Now, I want you to smile and be happy for me okay? That's the Serena I like to see the most when I battle."

Serena can't help but feel completely loved by Ash's words, despite the sternness underlying in them to stop her from arguing back. She can tell Ash means what he says, and if he's happy with her then that makes her happy too.

The Kalos queen soon snaps back to her supportive self as she places a bright smile on her face and exclaims in a much more upbeat tone "Thanks Ashy! For the record, I thought you were amazing out there. I know the scoreline says your behind but I think you're doing great! Keep on battling as hard as you can and don't give up. I know you can do this handsome."

Ash chuckles a little at Serena's sudden switch to her supportive self as he replies "Thanks princess, I promise that I'll do my best. Right now I've got this battle right where I want it to be, I just need to capitalise in the 2nd half."

Gary doesn't quite agree with Ash's statement as he shakes his head and comments "Honestly Ashy boy, I'm not sure how you can be so positive right now. Your losing you know, and that's not a good thing. I swear you need to bring out some of the big guns in the 2nd half. Otherwise I'm picking your team for every battle from now on."

Ash shakes his head in disagreement with his childhood friend/ rival as he explains "I know I'm behind, but that doesn't matter at this very moment. What matters is who's Pokémon is left standing at the end of the match. Right now I'm having fun and enjoying the battle. Plus having the lead at half time doesn't mean anything. You had the lead when we battled in the Johto league remember. Remind me how that turned out again?"

Gary rolls his eyes as he counters "That was different and you know it was. I used my strongest pokemon extremely early to get that lead. Quite simply put, Harrison hasn't done that. His Blaziken is still in waiting and hasn't hit the battlefield yet."

Ash shrugs his shoulders and casually remarks "Neither have my last 3 Pokémon either, and they're 3 that I would consider pretty strong. Your welcome to have your own opinion an all, but we'll see if it's right once the battle is over. All I know is, I'm still very much in this one."

Misty shrugs her shoulders as she comments "Well, I'm a little surprised you are still this relaxed. You didn't even react to the commentator questioning your title. I thought for sure that would make you flip your lid."

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