Chapter 60: Leon Vs Alain

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Back where we left off, Ash, Serena and Sonia make their way inside Motorstoke city stadium after an eventful car ride.

While Ash and Serena were initially grateful for the free car ride, they both realise now that they should have just called a cab.

Sonia's driving is a little reckless to say the least, and both of them aren't quite sure how she got a license.

Moving swiftly on from the troubled car ride, the three of them make their way inside the stadium through the front entrance and make their way up to the stands.

Once they find their seats, Serena and Sonia take their seats as they await the start of the battle.

However, Ash has other ideas as he decides that he has one more thing he needs to do before the battle starts. He smiles down at his girlfriend and exclaims "Hey Serena, I'll be back in a second. I'm just going to see Alain and wish him good luck before the battle starts."

Serena smiles back at her boyfriend and replies "Sure babe, wish him good luck from me too."

Ash nods and exclaims "I will Serena, can you look after Pikachu for me while I do?"

Serena raises an eyebrow in suspicion as she wonders why Ash wouldn't want to take Pikachu with him to see Alain. She shrugs it off as just her over thinking things as she replies "Sure Ash."

Pikachu takes his cue and jumps from Ash's shoulder to Serena's lap. Ash smiles at his girlfriend and exclaims "Thanks beautiful, I'll be back before you know it."

With that, Ash takes his leave as he exits the stands and makes his way towards the backstage area. He quickly strides through the winding corridors as he makes his way towards Alain's dressing room.

As he walks towards the dressing room, Ash looks down at the ground as he thinks to himself "Why did you ask me here Alain? Why did he need to speak to me so suddenly? Texting me only 20 minutes before the battle is a little odd."

Ash continues to stay deep in thought as he reaches the door to Alain's locker room. He pushes the door open and walks into the room to see the man himself talking to someone on the phone

Alain holds the phone up to his ear as he exclaims "Yes officer, continue as scheduled.......okay, I need to go. I'll update you later......goodbye officer."

Alain hangs up the phone and places the phone back in his pocket. He takes a small sigh of frustration at how needlessly long that call was before he look up at Ash. He places a serious look on his face as he greets "Thanks for coming by so quick Ash, we've not got long so I'll make this quick."

Ash raises an eyebrow in confusion as he questions "Make what quick Alain? What's so important that we needed to talk so suddenly?"

Alain shakes his head a little and exclaims in his usual tone "I just wanted to talk about the party last night, more specifically the little meeting we had. So, what did you think of chairman Rose and champion Leon."

Ash tilts his head a little as he comes up with an answer. He places a conflicted look on his face as he begins "Well, Leon seemed pretty cool. I mean, he's a bit naive to think he's the strongest trainer just because he's never lost when he's battled no one yet of a champion status. I can tell that gives him a bit of an ego. But clearly he's very passionate about battling and he's got a lot of love for Pokémon. I feel like he's a good person who's got good morals, but like us both he's got his flaws too."

Alain takes in Ash's statement before he nods and replies "I agree with you Ash, and that's why I agreed to the battle today. To prove my theory correct that he's not a bad guy. The best way to judge someone's character, is to have a battle with them. That is something I've learnt since becoming champion and working with the international police."

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