Chapter 18: The Day Of Reckoning

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Serena's POV

I'm going to have an actual heart attack, I swear. I'm so anxious and stressed and do you know why? Because I missed Ash's battle.

I know I must be the worst girlfriend in the world. I promised Ash that I would get up early so I could watch his battle against Olivia but the time zone difference had other ideas. God long distance relationships can be so frustrating.

I know getting up at 5am to watch a battle is a little ridiculous but when the person you love is competing you do it no questions ask. At least that's what I thought but those dam Netflix shows had other ideas .

So now I'm having a crisis. Does he hate me now that I broke a promise. Will he still love me. I tried connecting to him through aura but for some reason I couldn't reach him. Okay Serena stop being so melodramatic, Ash isn't going to dump you over missing a battle.....right. Gosh I can be so insecure.

I know maybe I should give him a call and see how he did. Oh wait no last time I called him he told me to only contact him through aura. I'm still upset about that. I get what he means that we won't learn more about these powers unless we use them but it's so annoying not being able to speak with him when I want. Maybe he says it because he doesn't want to speak to me. Like maybe he only said he loved me because of pity. Again with the insecurities Serena.

Ash isn't that type of guy, if he says something he always means it and it's always meant in good faith. He just wants what's best for us that's all and I know deep down he does care. But this long distance stuff is really getting me down lately. But if we master aura communication then we're never going to have to worry about long distance ever again.

Speaking of aura I find it quite strange how I can't communicate with Ash right now. Usually we can reestablish a connection within 24 hours but right now it's been over 48. Not only that but for some reason I'm feeling more panicked than usual and have a sense of doom looming over my head. Maybe, perhaps, Ash is in trouble.

Maybe something bad has happened to him. I know better than anyone how reckless he can be. What if he got himself into a fight he can't win? Maybe he's hurt and needs help or he could feel lost in the darkness and need guiding back to the light. Okay dramatic much.

I need to relax and get out today too much thinking is going to give me a headache. Luckily for me, my friend Lizia and I are going to get some lunch and then do some shopping. Maybe that's what I need to get Ash out my head and stop worrying so much. Then again, I've never ever really had Ash out of my head have I. Arceus, I just hope that boys okay.



After discovering that Lusamine and Guzma have found a way to open an ultrawormhole. Ash and the gang quickly arrive at Aether paradise and make their way down towards the underground lab, beating any grunts on their way down. After a quick fight the gang make their way towards an elevator and take it down towards the suspected underground lab. Once they arrive down there the doors open to reveal a giant lab with a machine charged with power as a beam prepares to fire from it with a small countdown on a monitor above that states 10:36 remaining. Around the lab, team skull grunts and Aether paradise workers all sit at their desks frantically typing. At the front of the room Lusamine and Guzma stand with smug looks on their faces as they look towards Ash and the gang.

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