Chapter 83: Ritchie vs Ash, The Long Awaited Rematch

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"Flare Blitz lets go!"

It's been about a week since we last saw our heroes, and throughout that time things have been progressing rather smoothly to say the least.

Ash has made his way through the indigo league early rounds, easily making it through some of his less experienced opponents in a dominant display of strength and power thus far.

Of course, he hasn't been the same savage towards these opponents as he was towards Damian. No he's been rather kind, using some of his less experienced pokemon to make these battles a little more interesting. Between each round, he's also been giving out plenty of advice to his opponents and helping them become better trainers. The media and fan reaction to Ash's comments have made him even more popular for his sportsman like conduct. He's been acting like a champion should act accordingly to mass public opinion.

This whole time, the whole gang have been supporting Ash in this endeavour. They've all been present and supporting him for every battle, except for the odd occasion where Brock has had to help nurse Joy out at the pokemon centre. Having them cheering and providing advice has been great for Ash, always appreciating how much of a difference his friends can make to his mood.

Of course the biggest difference has been Serena. She has been on point with her support this whole tournament, and Ash can't thank his girlfriend enough for it. In the stadium she's been cheering him on the loudest, always giving him encouragement right when he needs it. As for outside the stadium, she's practically been the perfect wife given their temporary name change.

Every morning she's made sure he's fed properly for the battle to come. She's been there to remind him of things he needs to do, not being too naggy given the stress of competing in a pokemon league. She's done whatever she needs to do to help him relax before and after battles, showing him plenty of love along the way. Ash has shown her that love back, bringing them both even closer together. Serena has been Ash's secret weapon this tournament, and long may it continue.

Which brings us back to the current situation as Ash competes in his quarter final match. He's currently got 4 Pokémon left, one being his Infernape on the field right now.

Before that, Swellow started the battle off and managed to take down two of his opponents pokemon before going down. His next pokemon was Totadile who managed to pick up one victory before he went down. Since the half time break Ash has been on fire with Infernape, quickly sweeping through his opponent's team. They've already taken down 2 pokemon, and now they are about to finish off the 3rd.

Infernape nods as he coats himself in a fiery blue aura before charging in towards his opponent. He closes the distance quickly before slamming his body into a wide eyed Jolteon. The electric type Pokémon cries out in pain as he flies back through the air before smashing into the stadium wall, kicking up a ton of dust in the process.

It doesn't take long for the dust to clear, as the crowd erupts with noise. Jolteon slides down the stadium wall and lays on the ground with swirls clear in his eyes.

The referee takes a second to asses the situation before he raises a flag in the air and announces "Jolteon is unable to battle, Infernape is the winner! That means the match goes to the Alola champion, Ash Ketchum from Pallet town!"

The crowd roar even louder at the announcement as Ash pumps a fist in the air and exclaims "Great job Infernape!"

Infernape smiles at his trainer's praise as the two of them rush towards each other to celebrate the victory.

The commentator takes a small chuckle before he announces "Well as we all predicted, Ash is through to the Indigo league semi finals! It has to be said as well, what a performance that was from Infernape. A great debut on Kanto soil."

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