Chapter 72: A Promise Come True

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A couple days later, Ash and Serena have left Celadon city and are back on the road again as they head towards Pewter city for Ash's long awaited gym battle rematch against Brock.

So far, they've made some good progress and are probably only a few days travel away from reaching the city of hard rocks.

They've managed to travel pretty quickly, thanks to Ash showing Serena many short cuts and being surprisingly successful with his navigation skills. Having grown up in and traveled the region before, Ash practically knows these paths like the back of his hand,

While Serena wouldn't mind them travelling a little slower, just enjoy the extended alone time they share together, they do need to pick up the pace a little so Ash has the appropriate time to finish off all his preparations before the indigo league. After all this travelling is done, he still needs to make sure his team are trained up and ready to go.

Right now, the two of them find themselves camped in an open field as the morning sun begins to rise over the Kanto region.

Inside their usual tent, Ash and Serena lay in their shared sleeping bag with their bodies practically contorted around each other in an attempt to stay warm, despite the bitterly cold Kanto winter morning.

The amour couple stay in a peaceful slumber, both completely dead to the whole world, until the chirps of birds force them to wake up from their peaceful sleep.

The two of them flutter their eyes open at the exact same time, to be met with the majestic feeling of waking up next to the one you love above all else's face. The amour couple both share a small warm smile, before they lean in and share a quick morning kiss.

They pull back after a few seconds of letting their lips affectionately caress each other, still smiling brightly as Ash greets "Good morning beautiful."

Serena giggles a little before she sinks into the comfort of her boyfriend's arms, laying her head on his chest as she whispers "Good morning handsome."

Ash smiles as he adjusts himself a little, moving as so he can place a hand near Serena's head and gently caress her short honey blonde hair. Serena lets off a soft pleasured sigh, as her eyes flutter in approval of Ash's soft touch.

The Alola champion keeps his girlfriend warm and comfortable as he questions "How did you sleep last night?"

Serena smiles as she replies "Like a baby. Your so comfy you know?"

Ash chuckles a little as he remarks with a hint of playfulness in his voice "Well, I'll add it to my trainer ID. Ashton Arron Ketchum, Pallet town. Pokémon trainer, Alola champion and comfy mattress/pillow."

Serena can't help but giggle at her boyfriend's silly jokes as she shakes her head a little and replies "Correction, Serena's comfy mattress and pillow. Mine and only mine."

Ash let's off a small sniff of laughter before he exclaims "Yeah, exclusive to the Kalos queen. For her use and enjoyment only."

The two of them burst into a fit of childish giggles from their silly back and forth slightly flirtatious jokes. This sort of conversation and way of teasing the other has just sort of become natural for the two of them at this point.

The amour couple continue their morning cuddles, both in complete bliss with one and other as they bask in the peace they've earned.

After a few minutes, Serena breaks the peace as she questions "So, how long until we make it to Pewter city?"

Ash takes a second to think about his answer before he replies "Most people would say about 6 days, but I think we can make it in 3. There's a short cut we can take that will cut the time down by half."

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