Chapter 29: Alola Amour!

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Earlier in the morning, Ash and the gang walk to board the ferry back to melemele island at the harbour. Ash is full of high spirits and the group as defenitly notices that the raven haired trainer is more upbeat than usual today. As they walk towards the harbour, Ash leading the group, Mallow questions "Ash, you seem very excited this morning. Any particular reason why?" Ash look back with and excited smile and says "I'm excited to see everyone at the school and see what kukui wants from me that's all." He adds in his head "And to see Serena again."

Lillie tilts her head and replies "I guess that makes sense." Kiawe chuckles and jokes
"I don't know something is up here, Ash only usually gets this excited over food or battling." The three burst out laughing as Lillie giggles "Yeah that's our Ash."

They turn to look at Ash expecting him to be annoyed at this comment but instead he looks like he's completely spacing out. With Ash he is currently channeling his aura to look through Serena's eyes. He spots she is in a plane just approaching the Alola region. Seeing she is nearly here he decides to deliver a welcome message. He says through aura "Hey Serena, I hope you have a great day at Melemele island. I'll be there soon, sorry I can't be there today but I need to finish off my island challenge but I'll be back in Melemele soon please stay there and i will find you once I arrive. I promise I won't be too long babe. Please take care and I'll see you soon."

Ash smiles and awaits Serena's reply when he is interrupted by Kiawe's booming voice "Hey earth to Ash your spacing out again." Ash's aura un focuses as his eyes spring open. He scratches his head nervously and says "Oh sorry my bad. So what were we talking about."

"Your excitement," Lillie remarks in a short tone. Ash sweat drops and replies "Oh right, it's just like I said I'm excited to see everyone that's it."  The three look at Ash with unconvinced looks until Mallow pops a question the three had been wondering. "Ash can we ask you a question." Ash smiles and says "Yeah sure go ahead."

"What are you doing when you space out like that?" Kiawe adds "Come to think of it you do space out a lot." Ash panics and quickly tries to come up with a solution. First option is to tell the truth and admit he's taking to or watching his girlfriend. It may seem like the best idea to not lie and just straight up admit it considering their all going meet by the end of the day anyway. However there are two issues. One is that they might not believe in his aura abilities considering they are a little far fetched. The other is that they are in public and with their reactions are loud enough then not only is that the secrets about aura out but also potentially his relationship with Serena out in the open too. However a complete lie and brushing it off as nothing will only raises their suspicions further.

In the end he settles on the combination of them both and says "Um, I was just talking with Greninja." The gang look at Ash with shocked faces and at the same time shout "What!" Lillie is the first to recover from the initial shock and asks "Um how?" Kiawe shakes his head and adds "This I got to hear."

Ash smiles reminiscing about the pokemon closest to his heart and explains "Me and Greninja's hearts are synchronised, so we're always connected. We can communicate through our thoughts alone and we always know exactly what the other is doing at all times. Even when we're apart, we're never really because our bond never allows us to be. No matter what our hearts will always be one." He decides to leave out any mention of aura as not to confuse them further.

The group all shout at the same time "What!" Ash chuckles and says "I'm sorry I just haven't told you guys." Kiawe shakes his head and says with a stunned look "Ash a day doesn't go by where you don't surprise us all." Ash laughs and says while
Scratching the back of his head "Yeah I know, that's what I'm here for." Just at that moment the ferry pulls up at the docks. Ash beams a smile at the boat. The boat that takes him to where he wants be and says "Come on guys we need to go." The three nod and board the ferry back to Melemele island. Ash stand at the front of the boat looking at the horizon with a smile on his face and mutters "I won't be long Serena, I promise it won't be long."

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