Chapter 14: You Can't Protect her

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Ash and the gang have began their long journey over to the Lush jungle. It's been a week since Ash's last island trial and the group find themselves in high spirits walking down the route towards the jungle. Ash leads the group while the others walk close by.

As they walk Kiawe looks over at Ash and says "do you know what type of Pokémon the next trial captain uses." Ash shrugs his shoulders and says "no I've looked around but there's no data anywhere on what Pokémon they use or even who they are." Mallow raises her eyebrow and says "I wonder what type of person they are." Ash smiles back and says "I'm sure they're a good person and either way I'm gonna beat them and earn my next z crystal." Pikachu raises a fist and shouts "Pika Pika," in agreement with his trainer.

The group continue to walk down the route until something catches their eye. In the distance they can see two trainers having a battle. One looks like a youngster while the other wears black clothing with long blonde hair covering one of his eyes. Ash spots the battle and says to the group "hey there's some trainers over there why don't we check it out." The group nod their heads in agreement and rush towards the battle.

Once they arrive at the battlefield all 4 of them see a strange Pokémon. He has 4 legs and is mostly black and grey in colour. The group notice he looks rather incomplete and has a helmet on his head. Ash scratches his head and says "who's that Pokémon." Ash scans the pokemon with his Pokédex but it's shock when it says "no data found."

Just at that moment the blonde trainer says in a bland tone "crush claw." The strange pokemon leaps at the youngsters Drampa and slashes it with his claws ending the battle in his favour as Drampa lays with swirls in his eyes. The youngster rushes over to attend to his pokemon as the blonde trainer returns his pokemon and walks off.

Lillie blinks a few times and starts to shake. She mutters "it can't be no." She goes into flashback and remembers cowering with a clefable in her arms before the very same pokemon leaped in front off her with his fangs barring towards her. The next thing she remembers is passing out and waking up on a beach by the pokemon school.

She is instantly shocked and frozen fear and says with her eyes closed "Ash that Pokémon I know it from somewhere. I can see a vison of it attacking me before I came to the school, I don't remember much but you have to trust me he's bad news." There is a moment off silence as she awaits a response but nothing happens. She opens her eyes and says in an annoyed tone "are you even listening." She then looks up to see Ash has already rushed to greet the trainer and challenge him to a battle She sighs and says "yeah same old Ash. She looks past Ash towards the blonde trainer and takes a step back in surprise as her eyes widen. "Huh Gladion!" She shouts.

Ash makes his way over to the trainer and says "wow who was that pokemon just now the two of you were awesome." Gladion turns around and says with a blank expression "that is none of your concern." Ash puts his hands in a defensive position and says "relax no need to be so cold. You see I'm a trainer and I." Gladion cuts him off as he interrupts. "what are you doing here!!" He shouts while looking past Ash. Ash says raises his eyebrows and says "huh."

He then turns to see Lillie stood tentatively behind him. She nervously smiles and says "hi brother I'm just here on a school trip that's all." Gladion raises his eyebrow with suspicion and says "really then where is your teacher." "Um it's him," Lillie says while pointing at Ash. Gladion's face turns to one of anger as he looks at Ash with disgust and says "how old are you." Ash replies in a confused tone "I'm 17, but what's age got to do with anything." "Then you are not a teacher how can you be strong enough to protect her. You can't stop what's about to happen." Gladion says while fronting up to Ash.

Ash doesn't back down as he holds his ground and says "I'll show you just how strong we are. Let's have a battle." Pikachu pumps his fist and says with a small smirk "Pika Pika." Gladion shakes his head and says "I don't have time for games. Unlike you I'm on a mission." He then turns to his sister and says in a softer tone "Lillie go back to the school you and cosmog are not safe here if they find you then the whole of Alola will be in danger."

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