Chapter 51: Serena's Birthday Surprise

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Serena's POV

I slowly flutter my eyes open to the sound of Pidgey's chirping outside my bedroom window. I lay lazily in bed as I slowly wake up from my slumber, a feeling I've been getting used to over the last week or so.

It's been 10 days since I moved in with Ash in Pallet town.

So, how has it been living with Ash's mom and him in their house?

Honestly it's been amazing!

They've both made me feel so at home and so welcome that it makes my heart so happy. Honestly, I already feel so loved and apart of their family.

Pallet town has been the perfect place for me to recover in and it's one of the best places I've ever been to in my life.

The people here are so nice and accepting of me. All of Ash's neighbours have been so friendly with me and welcomed me with open arms.

I got to meet a lot of them at a little celebration party the community put on to celebrate Ash's victory. The party was so fun, even if it was much smaller than the one in Alola.

Ash introduced me to a lot of his neighbours there and they all were very kind to me. They all also gave Ash the same lecture about not hurting me which just makes me giggle. I mean I know he's dense but this is Ash we're talking about, he'd never do anything to purposely hurt me.

After the introductions, I learned that people in Pallet town certainly know how to party. I mean it explains where Gary gets it from for sure.

So you may be wondering, what does a typical day look like for you in Pallet town Serena?

Well since I'm still recovering I'm not doing as much as I'd really want to in terms of exploring.

Kanto looks like a beautiful region that I'd loved to see more of but unfortunately, I can't because of my injuries. As much as I'd love to, it's not advisable for me to do any sort of travelling yet.

But hopefully me and Ash can travel the region together one day and he can show me some cool places.

Anyway I'm getting sidetracked.

My day usually starts the same way every day. I'll flutter my eyes open to see my boyfriend's handsome face staring back at me!

Ash always wakes up before me everyday. However he never gets up before me. He waits in bed for me to wake up so he can say good morning to me.

I absolutely adore that he does this! It means so much to me that the first thing I see everyday is his smiling face, it just makes me feel happy and it's the perfect way to start the day.

After that we'll lay in bed for at least half an hour for morning cuddles and kisses. It may sound corny to some but I don't care. I get to start my day off everyday by being loved, and showing my love to my boyfriend.

Speaking of my boyfriend, me and Ash's relationship has only been getting stronger these past 10 days.

I was kind of nervous that things might be a little awkward after that moment we had the other day.

But thankfully we've had no tension at all and everything has been smooth sailing.

Living together has only brought us closer and if I'm being totally honest, I love him more than ever before after everything we talked about.

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