CHAPTER 3: A Journey's Beginning

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Ash wakes up and is excited to start his new journey in the Alola region. He and pikachu rush down the stairs and eat breakfast at ninjask speeds. Burnett smiles and laughs "Ash slow down no one's going to take your food from you."Ash bows his head and apologises. "Sorry professor I'm just so excited to start my journey today it's been a while right buddy."

Pikachu let's out and excited "pika." Kukui laughs "he was the exact same on the way here too honey he was like a 10 year old kid in the back of that car again." Ash smirks and says "I was alittle over excited I'm sorry." Burnett smiles and says "don't apologise it's good to see someone so enthusiastic about something it's really admireable actually." Just then a knock on the door can he heard and a voice shouts "professor it's us are we on time." Ash smiles and says "that must be kiawe and the others." He gets up off his seat and steps outside the house to greet them.

Ash looks at his 3 chosen trainers and says "Mallow, Lille, kiawe I'm so glad you guys accepted my request to come with me." Mallow smiles and says "off course we did how could we turn down this opportunity." Kiawe says "she's right and sorry for how I spoke to you initially yesterday looks like I got you all wrong."Ash smiles and says "it's nothing guys and I completely understand why you were mad kiawe so no hard feelings."

Lille nervously puts her hand up and says "um ash why did you pick me to come with you." Ash smiles and says "simple it's the best way for you to conquer your fears." Lilie confused says "my fears." Ash nods and says "yeah your scared off pokemon correct so seeing them in their natural habitat and seeing how me and my pokemon interact with eachover will help you get over this and realise that pokemon aren't scary at all." Lilie nods tentatively and says "okay I understand that makes sense."

Ash smiles at the younger girl and gives her a reassuring nod. He then says "speaking off pokemon what pokemon are you guys bringing with you." Mallow smiles and pulls out a pokeball. She says "I'll show you come on out." She throws the pokeball in the air and a small ball like pokemon appears on the ground. Ash says "wow check it out." He scans it with his Pokédex revealing it be a bounsweet.

Ash says "so that's a bounsweet huh it's pretty cute." Mallow smiles and says "sure is bounsweet is my first ever pokemon." Kiawe says take out a pokeball and says "and you've already seen my partner." He throws the pokeball and let's turtonator out. Ash says "and I'm bringing pikachu." Mallow has a puzzled look and questions "Ash you have many different pokemon so why just pikachu"

Ash smiles while looking at his first partner and says "pikachu is my first pokemon and my best friend so he follows me everywhere but when we go to a new region we like to start from scratch and journey like if we were someone who just started out in Alola. It also encourages me to capture lots of new pokemon and make new friends as well instead off relying on the same Pokémon all the time."

Kiawe says "make sense although I was hoping to meet one of ash Ketchums famous fire types." Ash smirks and "says don't worry one day you will that's a promise."

Just then Lillies bag starts to shake and a pokemon breaks out from it. Lillie shouts "nebby get back here!" Ash confused says "huh who's that pokemon." He tries to scan it with his dex but he gets a message no data found. Kukui steps outside and says "that Pokémon there Ash would be our friend nebby." Mallow smiles and says "yep that's all we know about it." Ash says "so it's undiscovered pokemon right." Kukui replies "that's right it's one that I've not got any data for its a complete mystery."

Ash turns to Lillie and says "so how did you two meet and why do you keep it in your bag and not a pokeball." Lilie says "I keep it in my bag because it refuses to go in a pokeball but it also won't leave me." Ash intruruptes and looks a pikachu. He says "just like you pikachu." Pikachu let's off an ecxited "pika pika"and approaches cosmog to play. Lilie laughs nervously and says "something like that and I don't remember meeting it you see."

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