Thank You!!

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Hey everyone!

First of all, don't panic this isn't the chapter that I promised I'd post later today.

No this is a thank you message for hitting 1K votes on this story.

Honestly I can't thank you all enough for your support and I feel really blessed to have such a strong following who read every chapter I post.

I put a lot of work into these chapters, and it is all made better by the support you guys show in response.

I know 1K votes isn't massive in the grand scheme of things but it's a big step forward for this story and it's growth.

So to celebrate, I want to make this another Q and A chapter so leave me your questions down below.

Could be anything to do with the story, other pokemon related things, other media, Wattpad stuff. Whatever you want I'll try and answer it.

So now that we've hit this goal, I want to announce something.

If we can hit 50k reads, I'll make an Amourshipping special chapter.

In fact if we can get hit it by mid December, I'll make it a Christmas or new year special.

I know that's thinking ahead but still, I like make plans way in advance so I can think through what I want to write.

So anyway, I won't can't take up anymore of your time.

Have a nice day and I'll speak to you all later when the new chapter goes up.

Take care everyone.

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