Chapter 13: A Clash of Ideals

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After Ash's victory against Lana him and the gang spend the next few weeks travelling to Wele Wele volcano. On the way to face kiawes grandfather the gang make a stop at a local farm. This farm turns out to be run by kiawes family specifically his mother Sima his father Rango and his younger sister Mimo. Kiawe introduces Mimo and the others to Ash and his friends and they all decide to stay at the farm and help out for the day.

During a conversation with Sima, Ash finds out that Kiawe's grandfather doesn't approve of him not following the family tradition set by him and his defiant nature towards going to school. He expects Kiawe to finish school and take over as the trial captain and isn't happy that kiawe has ideas bigger than his station with his dream to become island kahuna. Ash enforces is point and tells Mina says that Kiawe is a great friend and he believes in him. He should be encouraged to dream big and surpass all expectations, the sky is the limit.

Sima agrees but states "my father is a stubborn old man with a very traditional view of Alola. If he sees you as weak or unhelpful to Kiawe he may forbid him from travelling with you any longer."Ash shakes his head and says "I won't let that happen kiawe is a good friend and I won't let him down." Sima smiles and says "I am happy that Kiawe has found a friend in you. I'm also glad your here in Alola. The region could use more people like you."

Ash and Sima wrap up their conversation as they continue on doing work around the farm. Everyone says their goodbyes at the end of the day and wish Ash good luck in his battle against Kiawe's grandfather. However, just before they leave Kiawe's egg hatches revealing itself to be a Larvesta.

Rango tells Kiawe that Volcarona is a very rare fire type and if raised right it could be strong enough to protect akala island one day. It's a Pokémon worthy of a kahuna. Kiawe says "it's a big responsibility but I will give my all to make this happen I won't let you down." Ash puts a hand on his shoulder and says "don't worry Kiawe I have some experience of raising strong fire types myself, I'm sure we can do this and one day your going to become an island kahuna. Kiawe thanks Ash as his friends praise fills him with confidence. The two shake hands and say their goodbyes to the family as Mimo tells Ash to take care of her big brother while she gives Mallow a big sisterly hug. After the group set off for wele volcano with a new team member and a new spirit invigorated.

On the way to wele volcano kiawe encounters a wild Alolan Marowak that lost its bone. Kiawe ash and the rest help find the bone for mawrowak and fight off team rocket who stole the bone in the first place as part of a plan to lure mawrowak into helping them. Afterwards Kiawe ends up catching the Alolan Marowak, joining his quest to become an island kahuna.

A few days later Ash and the gang find themselves nearing the volcano summit. Kiawe leads the way with Ash walking alongside him. The girls walk a little further back while fanning themselves down because of the heat. Mallow sighs and says "it's so hot." Lille adds "are we nearly there Kiawe." Kiawe nods and says "we're not far."

Ash looks at Kiawe with a questioning look and says "it's not that hot right." Kiawe laughs and says "to most people it would be, however my Grandfather would take me on walks all the time as a kid along these paths. Back then I would complain as well but eventually the heat became numb to me." Ash raises an eyebrow and says "you sound like you had a great relationship with your grandfather. The way you tell that story with a smile is a dead giveaway." Kiawe nods and says "he was my hero, still is in fact. It's just that I want to be better than him and to do that I want to become an island kahuna, a respected trainer who others can rely on. I hope only one day my grandfather can see that I just want to make our home a better place."

Ash smiles and says "I'm sure he will we just have to show him how determined you are then there's no way he can say no." Kiawe nods and says "maybe so but to do that you need to beat him." Ash raises an eyebrow and says "you don't think I can." Kiawe shakes his head "I know you can beat him and your the only one who I would ever want to beat him." The two fist pump as they climb up the volcano.

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