Chapter 41: Enter Team Rainbow Rocket

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The dust from the explosion starts to settle as the spectators continue to frenzy. Suddenly members of the crowd remove disguises, revealing themselves to be grunts from: team rocket, magma, aqua, glactic, plasma, flare and skull.

There is at least 200 grunts in this crowd, leaving the people in panic. The grunts all send out their respective Pokémon and begin to cause as much damage as possible. They threaten spectators and steal their pokemon. They fire off random attacks at civilians causing them all to run in panic. Stray attacks land all around the stadium, causing small explosions as well as leaving debris everywhere.

In the VIP box, Kiawe grits his teeth and shouts "What is this, what's going on!"

Mallow panics and screams "That's team skull, but who are theses guys!?"

Serena scans around the stadium and spots a familiar red suit. She instantly becomes paralysed with fear. She doesn't talk about it much but the incident in Kalos has certainly given her some PTSD. The scenes of people fighting for their lives are something she sees in her nightmares. People died that day and the whole experience brings back so much trauma. She never thought she'd ever see something like that happen again, but hell is now rising up once again right before her very eyes.

She feels herself shake slightly as Serena exclaims "That's team Flare, the ones who attacked the kalos region. It's like deja vu, it's happening again."

Lillie turns to her mother and asks in a concerned tone "Mother do you think this is?

Lusamine's face turns serious as she exclaims "No doubt, it's exactly like we suspected. Quick everyone we must get out of here. We need to move and fast."

The rest of the group nod and return their pokemon, ready to move. Serena stands there still in shock as her eyes drift towards the stage. Still a cloud of smoke covers it and there is no sign of her boyfriend. She shakes her head and protests "Wait what about Ash! These guys must be here for him right? We need to help him!"

Lusamine looks at Serena in the eyes and replies with a firm but understanding tone "I know Serena but there's nothing we can do from here. We can help him later, but right now we need reinforcements. If you want to help him then trust me. He'll be okay for now. Remember he's a strong trainer."

Serena reluctantly gives in to Lusamine's words and trusts her. She quickly returns all her Pokémon to their pokeballs except for Absol who refuses to go back in for now. Serena doesn't argue back given the rush of the current situation.

She packs up her stuff and looks down to the sight of the explosion. This was supposed to be Ash's big moment. He'd lift the trophy up with his winning team and he'd announce their relationship to the world. Then she'd join him on stage and give him a big sloppy kiss. Unfortunately. That's all gone out the window because of a sudden nightmare and she has no idea what happened to Ash.

Serena takes a deep concerned sigh and holds her ribbon firm in her grasp. A tear brims in her eyes as she whispers "Ash, please be okay." She blinks away her tear and stays strong, running to catch up with the rest of the gang as chaos continues around her.

With Ash in the cloud of smoke. He coughs a few times and drags himself back to his feet, relatively unharmed from the explosion. He shouts with concern in his voice "What's going on, Professors are you okay?"

Kukui shouts back through the smoke "Yeah, we're okay Ash."

Ash takes a sigh of relief as he tries to get his bearings. He looks through the smoke and tries to see what the hell is going on. He looks up towards the top of the stadium and gasps at the sight. He sees a silhouette of two figures looking at him from atop the stadium. One is clearly a person who's outline looks some what familiar. The other is a Pokémon. A Pokémon that Ash knows all to well. The duo smirk at the raven haired trainer and quickly teleport away.

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