Chpater 54: Ash's Kalos Birthday

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Ash and Serena are just 4 days away from the start of the Kalos master class competition, a competition that will decide if Serena can finally achieve her dream of becoming Kalos queen.

Now most people 4 days out from a competition that important would be training non stop in hopes to find any last minute improvements.

Well as Ash's about the find out, that is certainly not the case for a certain honey blonde girl.

While her training is very important to her, there is something in her life that will always be more important than any competition or tittle that she may win.

The day starts off how it usually does as Ash slowly stirs to the sound Fletchling's chirping outside him and Serena's bedroom window.

The raven haired trainer slowly opens his eyes as he prepares himself to do his usual morning routine. That is, to sit up slightly and wrap an arm around his girlfriend while she continues to sleep peacefully.

From there he'll always just sit there and watch her sleep until she wakes up. That may seem a little creepy to some but Ash just likes the peace of her little snores as he watches over her while she rests up. Then there's the obvious excitement she shows when she inevitability wakes up to her boyfriend's face which she loves so much.

However, this morning there's been a slight change of plan.

As Ash's eyes flicker open, he doesn't see the peaceful sight of Serena in her slumber.

No he sees her hovering just above his face with a playful grin plastered all over her face.

Before Ash can even comprehend what was about to happen. Serena pounces on him and leans her head down towards his, pulling him into an aggressive kiss as her lips lock onto his.

Ash's eyes widen at the sudden wake up call before he quickly melts into his girlfriend's strawberry flavoured lips. He wraps his arms around her waist and flips her over as the two begin their signature dance.

Their lips lock and tongues twist as they roll all around the bed in an steamy make out session. In the end the need for oxygen breaks the two up as their lips separate.

Serena lays directly on top of her boyfriend as she takes a second to get her breath back. She pants a little heavily before a beaming smile replaces her previous mischievous grin. She giggles a little before she shouts in an enthusiastic tone "Happy birthday Ash!"

Ash's eyes instantly light up as he remembers that today is in fact his 18th birthday.

That explains Serena's wake up call to say the least. At first he just thought that her mom had gone into work early and that Serena was in the mood so to speak. That wouldn't have been to much of a surprise considering it's been a few days since their last time, but he can tell by her face she just wanted to start his birthday by giving as many kisses as she could.

Ash shakes off his thoughts as he smiles back and replies "Thanks Serena."

Serena giggles slightly as she cuddles into her boyfriend tighter. She looks him in the eyes as she questions "Did you like your surprise wake up?"

Ash chuckles a little as he exclaims "I loved it Serena, nearly as much as I love you."

Serena mentally cheers at the success of her morning wake up. She's been nervously plotting Ash's birthday celebrations for a while and she's been struggling to come up with the perfect day for him. Ash totally knocked it out of the park on her birthday, and now she feels as though she needs to match that to say the least.

Problem being that Ash's birthday is a little more tricky to plan for considering the timing. With them being in Kalos instead of Kanto, Ash is away from all his Pokémon and his family. Celebrating with his mom, Gary, Professor Oak and all his Pokémon would have been an easy task. This is going to be more a challenge but it's a challenge Serena is determined to pass.

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