Chapter 58: Kalos Queen Ball

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After winning the title of Kalos queen, Serena spends the next 2 hours running through the formalities of her new role.

She signs her contract to officially become Kalos queen with, Ash and her mom as witness. The contract Serena signed is honestly perfect for her situation. She only has to work in the Kalos region for a few select dates a year so she is still free to travel wherever she wants.

Apart from those mandatory dates, the rest of her time is pretty much her's to use as she wishes. The board will suggest events and activities for Serena to attend but she will always have the chance to reject those events, should they come into conflict with her other plans.

The pay package is also pretty generous and there are plenty of advantages written into her contract which she can use when needed.

After doing a few press interviews, Ash and Serena return to their hotel room in preparation for a mandatory Kalos queen requirement. The Kalos queen ball.

Last year, Serena decided to skip the ball as she decided to prioritise Ash and let him continue on his way towards Snowbelle city, considering they were a litte short on time.

The Kalos queen ball is meant to be a formal event to officially celebrate this year's Kalos queen, and to show her face to the upper class Kalos society as well as the sponsors of the event.

While that doesn't really sound like the type of party Serena would want to attend to celebrate her victory, she certainly has plans to change that.

Following her victory, Serena has had her room upgraded to a queen's suite on the top floor of the hotel. The extra space comes in handy as she kicks Ash out of her dressing room while she gets ready for the ball.

Serena sits in front of a mirror as she puts the finishing touches on her outfit. She carefully places a red flower in her short honey blond hair as a bright smile comes onto her face. She stands up from her seat and does a little twirl as she exclaims "Ta da! Looks like I'm all done!"

She turns her head a little and questions "What do you think Braxien?"

Braxien smiles at her trainer and let's off a positive "Braxien brax!"

All off Serena's Pokémon have already been dressed up and placed back in their pokeballs to rest up before the party, apart from Braxien who Serena decided to let stay with her and help her get ready.

They are all wearing dresses with little accessories, except for Pancham who is wearing a little smart black suit with a cute little bowtie.

With herself ready, Serena returns Braxien to her pokeball and sits herself back down to quickly make sure she looks absolutely perfect.

Meanwhile, Ash sits outside the room on a sofa while wearing a pretty fancy outfit. Serena has practically begged him to dress up in a formal black suit with a white shirt underneath. He wears a pair of black smart shoes as well as a black bow tie that practically strangles his neck. He wears the watch Serena bought him on one wrist and his Z ring on the other.

Sitting on his shoulder, Pikachu wears a similar suit while looking a little uncomfortable. Ash's Pokémon are also all dressed up inside their pokeballs too. The only one enjoying this scenario being Hawlucha of course.

Ash tugs his collar in discomfort as he shouts across the room in a whinny voice "Serena, is all this formal clothing really necessary?"

Serena sighs at her boyfriend's point. She knows he doesn't like to dress up like she does but she can't exactly allow him to dress casually tonight. She shakes her head and replies "Ash, it's the Kalos queen's ball. Of course we need to dress formal. I know you hate dressing up but please, can you behave for me."

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