Chapter 31: Beach Day And New Faces

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The next morning, Serena sleeps peacefully in her new temporary room as the alarm ticks beside her. She hears a few birds chirping as her eyes start to flutter open. She rubs them slightly and lets off a refreshed sigh. She fully opens her eyes feeling energised after a comfortable sleep. She turns to her side with a beaming smile and greets "Good morning Ash did you sleep well."

However the spot that Ash was once lying in is completely empty. She raises her eyebrow and questions "Huh where's Ash." Before she can even answer her own question the door knocks. Serena sits up and quickly fixes up a few strands of her hair. She smiles and shouts "Yes come in."

The door creaks and Professor Burnett walks in with a knowing look on her face. She exclaims "Hey sleepyhead you okay."

Serena nods and replies "Yeah I'm fine professor, just a little worn out from all the excitement yesterday."

Burnett smiles in response and comments "I'm not surprised, you must have had a good time last night."

Serena smiles at the happy memory that is her first date with Ash. She nods to the professor and remarks "Yeah it was really fun, I'm a bit embarrassed though that I fell asleep. When I woke up in the middle of the night I was lying with ash in bed so I'm guessing he got one his pokemon to carry me back."

Burnett shakes her head and answers "No Serena I saw the whole thing. He carried you all the way home himself, he tried to do the gentlemanly thing and sleep on the spare bed. However you pulled him into bed with you while half asleep and made him you personal pillow. I'm not going to sugar coat it, it was pretty cute."

Serena could shed a tear, Ash was truly perfect. She'd have no problems with him sleeping wherever he wanted, after all it was his room first and he is her boyfriend. The fact he wouldn't do anything without her permission shows her just how great a guy he is. She feels very lucky to have him. She looks at the Professor with a small embarrassed blush and remarks "Wow that's sweet of him, but now I'm even more embarrassed you saw all that."

Burnett shakes her head and replies "Don't be Serena, Ash just done what a good boyfriend should do. All though as usual he puts his own unique spin on things."

Serena puts a hand on her heart and says with emotion in her voice "Yeah he's really special, I'm lucky to have him."

Burnett smiles at the teenage girl and remarks "You both are very special and he's lucky to have you as well, remember that."

Serena smiles and asks "Thank you, but do you know where he is now?"

Burnett smirks and exclaims "It's Ash we're talking about, you know him better than me."

Serena takes a deep sigh and frowns "So he's out training then." She feels a little sad that Ash went out to train his pokemon. She would have loved if the two of them could have stayed tucked up in bed together all morning, just cuddling together and using each other's bodies for warmth. However she soon realises that she's being unreasonable. First of she woke up later than usual. Ash has always been a morning person where as she loves a lie in. If she would have woke up on time then she's she's sure Ash would have set aside some time to her request before going out. The other thing is Ash has the Alola league coming up. The whole point of coming out here was to support him so if she starts taking away too much time from training is she really doing what she promised. At the end of the day they spent practically the whole day together yesterday. He's allowed a few hours to train his pokemon especially while she's catching some Z's.

Burnett nods her head yes and comments "that's right he's out the front. Go and see him if you want I'll get breakfast ready."

Serena nods and replies "Right I will, thank you professor." Burnett leaves as Serena gets out of bed and takes her morning shower. She changes into her usual summery Alolan outfit and touches up her make up. She then grabs a towel and a bottle of ice cold water before heading out to say good morning to her boyfriend.

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