stressing and sickness

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Third Person Pov:

It seems to be continuous now a days, you're both under a lot of pressure, stressing, and instead of communicating properly and trying to understand each other, you and rosé have just forgot about the others feelings.

Which led to arguments, all the time. It's been basically everyday, there's no apologies either. You just make up for the scene, get home and argue again. The arguments are useless because neither of you had valid points.

Neither did you really know what you were really arguing about. And today you're done, your led up with it, you had a plan on just straight up moving in with your girl but now you just wanted to go home.

So once you reached rosé's house, and an argument blew up again, you were over it.

You just wanted to go home.

"you're really fucking annoying sometimes, you know that?" You didnt answer, only sighing as you stood up from the couch. "i don't wanna do this anymore" you mumbled, "i wanna go home." "then go, i don't wanna see you either!"

"wait, can i ask one question before i leave?" "what now?" "do you want me to leave your place and the arguments.. or do me want me to leave the relationship?" Her face turned into horror at your words.

Realizing how bad this situation had really gotten. "you know i don't wanna break up.. right?" She asked as you shrugged. "not really.. i'll see you tomorrow, you can find a ride right?" "pick me up" "okay"

And you left, without saying another word to each other.


It's been a few days and it's constantly like this, you wake up, you do your thing, pick up rosé, go to film with her, drive her home and go back to your house. You don't even talk during the drives, and that's the only time you see each other.

Obviously other then filming. But that's not even real. And it's honestly taking a toll on you.

But the problem is, you don't know if she feels the same. You've gotten more and more stressed out. Like crazy. You want nothing more then to just talk out whatever is going on with rosé and have this done with.

So you can be back in her arms.

You've been talking about how to say, how to approach this situation, you dont even know if she feels the same way about this situation. She says she doesn't want to break up.

But what's the point if she's not even gonna talk to you?

"unnie" you called out as you saw your girlfriend freeze at the name. "me?" she asked as you nodded. "unnie? is that what i am to you now?" she whispered with a sense of hurt in her voice. "you couldn't even call me rosie?"

You couldn't meet her eyes so she forced you to. "we need to talk" you mumbled. Rosé's chest tightened at those words. "can we do this at your house?" she nodded, you had finished filming, the car ride was quiet, per usual.

You took a step into the house, realizing how much you really do miss this place. "so.. you wanna break up?" rosé muttered, she was playing with her hands, you could tell she was nervous. "what? no."

"then.. what is it?" "i wanna know what you want." "what?" "do you want me or do you not want me, i dont understand, the acting is starting to feel real."

She knew exactly what you were talking about, the plot line, kissing you but laughing, not having a pice of real love in the kiss, and walking away, basically playing with your feelings.

"darling, no, it's not real" she whispered, kneeling down in front of you.

You were sitting on the couch, a shaky breath leaving her lips. "you dont hate me do you?" you shook your head. "no, i don't. i'm just- confused. do you love me or do you not love me? do you want me? do you need me?"

She took a look into you eyes and replied without hesitation. "i love you, i want you. and i need you." "then why don't you act like it?" "because i thought you didn't.. want to you know.. see me anymore" "when did i say that?"

"when you said you were tired of this-" "i was tired of arguing, unnie." "don't." she warned as you rubbed your eyes, "then what do you want me to call you? i can't be all lovey dovey with you, calling you pet names and stuff after not talking for about a week!"

"don't call me unnie!" "then what? chaeyoung?" She nearly got nauseous from the name falling from your lips. "absolutely not.. you don't have to be lovey dovey, just call me rosie." "rosie?" "exactly" "that's- okay, fine."

She smiled a bit before you mumbled. "you have tylenol?" "what? why? what's wrong?" "what do you mean?" "you haven't noticed how no kiss scene or anything have been happening?" "well thought that was just-"

"i'm sick, rosie." She frowned at the words falling from your lips, "do you know what caused it?" you nodded. "stress" "stress.. was it me?" she muttered. "possibly" "you never take medication on time, what's up with you?"

"my head hurts, really badly." "you head hurts? did i stress you out just now?" You shrugged. "kinda" a small pout made its way into her lips as rosé got you a glass of water and tylenol. You quickly took it and sighed.

"i think i should go home, i don't feel well at all." "no, please don't go" she begged quietly. You hesitated but agreed. "don't ask why i'm suddenly changing my attitude i just.. have been thinking about.. us. for days and i just- really missed you."

You nodded. "i feel the same" "once i heard you call me unnie i thought i was going to faint or throw up, i thought we were done, for good. i wanted to throw up. never call me that again, please."

"as long as you don't stress me out and continuously argue with me like that again. promise?"

"promise. i don't like arguing with you, my love. trust me. if i could go back in time i wished i just taken out my stress by cuddling with you with something but.." "i wish we did too.."

"what is with us and arguing and getting sick? everytime we argue, one of us gets sick." "it's the earth pulling us back to each other, not being able to bare seeing the other sick so you have no other choose but to put it behind you and care for the sick one."

You mumbled, your voice slightly deeper and more raspy as you let out a cough, laying down on her bed after changing and brushing your teeth. "my poor baby" rosé whispered, rubbing your back softly with a pout.

"i'm not that sick, i'll just take tomorrow off and get fully better then i'll go back like new the next day" "okay, i'm staying with you, i'm taking care of you." "you better" "i know" "i'm kidding, rosie." "im not"

"oh?" "i'm taking care of you, get some sleep, baby." "good night, un-" "don't you dare." "just messing with you, good night darling" "sleep well, babe"

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